The Time A Girl Asked Me For A Golden Shower
Some people are more sexually adventurous than others — this goes without saying. Some people just like to have missionary sex in a bed with the lights off. To other people, that’s G-rated shit, and it ain’t real sex to them unless there’s leather, whips, chains, handcuffs, whipped cream, a goat, and three midgets. To each his own.
As any young guy with hormones, I always considered myself to lean more towards the deviant side in my head. But hey, I’m a 21-year-old male. My libido is a maniacal monster, and I’m eager to fuck any girl within 500 square feet of me at any given time. So, in my head, I was hypothetically down for anything. I had dipped my toe into that pool before. Anal? Tried with my high school girlfriend (side note: hated it, type all the angry comments you want but I don’t want my drumstick to travel into any place where poop pays the mortgage.) Fucked in public? Tried it with a high school girlfriend at school in the empty theater during school hours. Guarantee it was WAY more entertaining than any play ever shown there.
So I considered myself an adventurous dude. I mean, what was left? Until I met this girl and she, much like Aladdin, introduced me to a whole new world. And yes, the magic carpet matched the drapes.
I met her through a mutual friend at a party. We’ll call her Lindsay. Lindsay and I hit it off. She was gorgeous and fun to talk to, so naturally, drunk me was very intrigued with the idea of going home with her. She took me an empty bedroom in the house party and locked the door and… well, you get it.
After that, we started hanging a lot. She came to my dorm and spent the night all the time. We’d go get drinks, see movies, get late night breakfast food at diners, and yes, had enough sex that my balls eventually ran out of batteries. We walked that blurry line between fuck buddies and boyfriend and girlfriend.
One night we’re chilling. She runs her hand through my hair and says she wants to “try something new”. I asked what that new thing was. She gave me a devilish grin and whispered “I want you to give me a golden shower.” I said, “Hmmmmm really, though?” She said, “Yes! I want you to pee on me!” with a bizarre amount of enthusiasm and urgency.
At first I was repulsed. My first instinct was to kick her out of my place, burn her belongings and hit myself with a hammer until I have brain damage and forget she ever existed.
But I paused and thought about it. First off, I realized that “golden shower” is WAY too luxurious-sounding of a name for the act of pissing on someone. BUT, I’ve never considered myself a prude. I have so many good times with this lovely lady, should I give this the old college try?
IF I do this, I wanna do it right. I don’t just wanna just stand up right now and piss on her, get my bedsheets wet and try to explain the yellow stains to everyone staring at me at the laundromat. I wanna do it the right way. The considerate way. The, dare I say, ROMANTIC way? I wanna do it in the shower, water running down on us so she’s immediately cleaned while I got my R. Kelly playlist bumping in the background.
So after all those thoughts raced through my mind, I (reluctantly) agree. I say “yeah, we can try that sometime”. She looked baffled and said “Sometime?! I meant now.” She drags me by the wrist to the bathroom and turns the shower on. We undress and get in the shower. She sits down on her knees in front of me and says “only my chest, avoid my face” with a scripted tone that made me realize this is NOT her first rodeo.
So did I do it? I’m 30% proud, 70% ashamed to say yes I did. After that she demanded it all the time, she clearly had a fetish. But a man can only drink multiple water bottles and hold his bladder for so long. After a while, I had to throw in the towel and tell her that we should just be friends.
Is all that gross and uncomfortable? Yeah. But it wasn’t the most gross uncomfortable part of all this. Nope, the most gross and uncomfortable part is that my new girlfriend recently asked me “What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?” and I had to tell her this story..
Lindsey was 12 years old and you guys used her bubble bath soap.
9 years ago at 11:36 amwhy are all your gfs in highschool? are you a creep or have you just not gotten any action since then?
9 years ago at 11:38 amHe’s still in high school.
9 years ago at 11:48 am3 ‘articles’ and its nearly 1 after a long weekend. Grandex must be cajun for halfassed.
9 years ago at 11:40 amThey had a decent run.
9 years ago at 11:42 amFree Brock turner
9 years ago at 11:44 amWe may be degenerates here on this site, but not sociopaths. Rape isn’t cool man.
9 years ago at 11:52 amFuck you
9 years ago at 12:09 pmSerious question for Grandex: Are you guys just giving up on TFM to focus on other ventures? We’ve lost comments of the week, Fail Friday, Todd Storm, Frat Romance Novels, even Exec Board; all the stuff that your visitors really like. Instead we’re left with freelance writers, shitty content, and that overdone Harambe meme. Perhaps it’s time to move onto Brobible/Barstool?
9 years ago at 11:53 amGod the romance novels were great for a 5 minute lecture hall boner
9 years ago at 12:05 pmHate to break it to you, but Grandex is a clothing company. As long as people are buying the products, there’s little motivation to improve the web content.
9 years ago at 12:10 pmGrandex is a media company that owns Rowdy Gentleman (clothing subsidiary). But I agree with the gist of your comment, Henry.
9 years ago at 12:16 pmA March 2014 article said that Rowdy Gentleman accounted for 80% of Grandex revenue. With the addition of Man Outfitters (which, if it uses drop shipping, has minimal overhead), I assume the revenue percentage from the clothing business is even higher. So you can call it a media company, but the goal of the media is to drive sales of clothing.
9 years ago at 12:42 pmMakes sense. I’m all for making money, but it sucks that the website’s gone downhill…
9 years ago at 1:12 pmI get paid 85 bucks hourly for freelancing. I never thought I can manage to do it but my good friend is making 10000 dollars each month by doing this job and she recommended me too check it out. Try it out on following website, you have nothing to lose…
9 years ago at 1:52 pm
Get off my comment, Lilly
9 years ago at 2:04 pmIf the barstool comment section didn’t suck so much, I’d have no reason to keep coming back here, tinder pick up lines is the only thing that still gets regularly posted, the rest is just copy paste shut from the top of reddit, or news stories that other sites like barstool cover sooner, and a lot of times, better. It’s a shame, because this site really did have some great content.
9 years ago at 2:56 pmAlso, nobody ever mentions them, but I really do miss the email chains between a distressed pledge and his mom, those were fucking gold.
9 years ago at 2:58 pmYou’re a monster, Carl
9 years ago at 3:11 pmThis deserves respect
9 years ago at 3:55 pmwhat Dorothy explained I am amazed that a mom can earn $5088 in one month on the computer . find out here …
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more than I thought a woman could make
9 years ago at 7:27 pmWally, just repost reddit threads like steve holt
9 years ago at 11:55 amIf she openly asked for a golden shower just imagine what she is willing to do – you completely dropped the ball on threesomes, anal [which you should enjoy, ass], BD/SM and anything else you could ever imagine. You will be regretting this decision when your next GF ends up being a prude …
9 years ago at 12:02 pmSounds like you’re speaking from experience.
9 years ago at 12:06 pmSadly, very very very sadly, you are correct. You can get vanilla sex the rest of your life but in college you need to find a slooooot who’s willing to let you try everything your depraved, kinky mind can think of … well, that’s what I think.
9 years ago at 1:45 pm#90SecondsOfButtStuff2016
9 years ago at 3:54 pm“The time I peed in the tub with my sister and lied about it on TFM”
9 years ago at 12:04 pmThe name of the article aroused more than just my attention, the name of the author had the opposite effect
9 years ago at 2:09 pmPretending that you did the peeing in the situation is just not believable. You get pissed on for a living – it had to start somewhere.
9 years ago at 11:24 pm