The War On Freedom
Dear concerned citizens,
We are at war, my friends. These are historically important times that we are living in. The balance of power is shifting, and you and I are right in the middle of the crosshairs.
I’m not talking about Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorism, or drugs. Those are Hollywood marionettes designed to boost the bottom line. Those “wars” are all about ratings. I’m not talking about an overseas power grab or some abstract fear-inducing concept. I’m talking about a war happening right here on our front steps. I’m talking about the war on American freedom.
You didn’t know there was a war? Oh, you must not be reading the headlines. Mass murderers are shooting the shit out of everybody in sight with “assault weapons,” and there’s a big push to ban them and enact stricter gun laws. If you haven’t read my previous article on the misinformation of gun control, read it HERE before you continue. Gun control is a proven failure, and it does not address the real problems.
The tragedy inflicted by psychopaths is an unfortunate symptom of a much larger problem, and gun laws are not the solution. Don’t just take it from me. Take it from the father of a 6-year-old massacred at Sandy Hook elementary school.
Gun control doesn’t protect people, it makes them more vulnerable. Look at the facts and do your own research. You’ve got to see the bigger picture. You’ve got to understand why the government wants gun control. They want gun control because they are afraid of armed, freethinking citizens.
Most people take freedom for granted. People forget that America is an unprecedented, revolutionary experiment. We are the only people in the history of the world that have the right to bear arms. In all other nations, if gun ownership is even allowed, it is a privilege, not a right. The government can disarm the people whenever they want. The 2nd amendment shines alone under the shadow of state violence and tyranny.
Guns are part of our culture…part of our identity. We were born in the blood of a violent revolution. We killed for our freedom and the founding fathers weren’t stupid. They were smart motherfuckers. Even when they overthrew the British Empire, they knew that tyranny would inevitably return in one form or another. It always does and it always will.
That’s why they included the 2nd amendment. It wasn’t to ensure that we could go hunting. It’s there to grant the people the God-given right to overthrow oppressive forces, both foreign and domestic. The right of revolution is implicit in the 2nd amendment.
Revolution isn’t a one-night stand with a slam you never call back. It’s the frat mattress that gets tossed back and forth between brothers of all houses. Revolutions are just like seasons. They’re either coming or they just left, but they’re always on the way. Even in the coldest of winter, spring is implied. That’s the way things are. It’s a natural cycle. The formula for human civilization is the same as the formula for ex-girlfriends. Tyranny, revolution, freedom, repeat.
The reason we have a high degree of freedom compared to other nations is because we have a heavily armed populace. With enough organization, the American public could easily overthrow the government. There are over 310 million privately owned guns in America. We’ve got more guns than most world militaries combined. We’re the biggest armed force on the planet.
That’s the only reason we have any rights at all. Thanks to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, our constitutional rights have been raped beyond recognition. We don’t even technically have rights anymore. They’re purely symbolic. Any sort of dissent is now called “domestic terrorism,” and once you’re labeled a terrorist, you’re completely fucked. Black bag-over-the-head Gestapo shit is now perfectly legal without a warrant, without a trial, and without a single fuck given.
Now I’m not saying that we should start a revolution or overthrow the government. That would be counterproductive. That’s also treason, and I love my country. (Dear NSA agent who is reading this article because it set off 50,000 red flags, I am a comedian who writes fiction in order to buy booze. Please don’t send me to summer camp in Cuba.)
What I’m saying is that revolutions don’t have to be violent. A truly free society can change a government with words and ideas. The power of the mind infinitely exceeds the power of the gun, but only when there is freedom. It’s hard to talk about radical ideas when you’re body is full of bullet holes.
Privately owned guns are a necessary safeguard of free expression. Guns ensure that we have a fair dialogue with those who rule over us. The government knows that if they try too much fascist bullshit, there will be an armed revolution. A good government is afraid of its citizens, not the other way around.
Civilian guns are the ultimate checks and balances on power. Fuck congress and fuck the Supreme Court. At the end of the day, it boils down to the fact that an armed population is difficult to enslave.
There is a war going on right now. It’s not a war against terrorism, drugs, or bad guys, it’s a war against freedom. Taking away guns is the final step in the realization of a total police state. Banning assault weapons is a baby step towards a New World Order’s wet dream. The first amendment only exists because of the second amendment. If they take away our guns, then what are you going to do? Talk about tyranny?
Talking about tyranny is terrorism.
Fuck you, citizen.
Ron Paul 2016
12 years ago at 11:09 pmThe problem absolutely stems from a lack of identification and treatment of mental health issues. If someone is batshit crazy enough to want to kill as many people as he wants he’s going to do it. The Unabomber, Timothy McVeigh, and Eric Rudolph combined killed and injured hundreds of people…and not one of them picked up a gun to do it. I would much rather have the capability to defend myself in public or on my property from someone who wants to look their victim in the eyes rather than not see it coming by someone who knew how to mix fertilizer and other chemicals.
12 years ago at 12:08 amswish
12 years ago at 12:29 amThe problem absolutely stems from a lack of identification and treatment of mental health issues.
True, but the lack of identification stems from the fundamentals of modern psychology and psychiatry as well as the societal problem of people’s wish to avoid placing responsibility and instead placing blame on these syndromes. If a child has Aspergers, parents should still teach the kids right and wrong, self control, etc., and not excuse all behavior on their condition. In grade school, there was a kid in my grade with Aspergers, and the teachers were aware of his problem, but for the most part, he was held to the same standards as the rest of us. I believe that if too many exceptions are made for some mental conditions, you are not helping them, but rather dehumanizing them and making them feel different and isolated.
Another problem is drug companies that push for the identification of new psychiatric syndromes so that they can market more drugs. These drugs may help one psychiatric issue while creating others.
Also some “disorders” are simply people’s lack of self control, but they blame it on a disorder (e.g. anorexia). To give into pressure is not a disease, but rather a result of poor decision making. The problem with addressing this is that my view is considered too harsh, when harshness is the answer. Parents should love their children, but be harsh when needed. People make mistakes, but some mistakes deserve harsh punishments. Adults are not children, so they should be treated as such. These are not problems any law will solve; they are problems with our society. To expect the government to address the issue of mental health, in my opinion, is a mistake.
12 years ago at 11:54 amI completely agree with you there. My secretary is always going on about something her grandson (who is living with her because the parents “can’t control him”) has done and won’t doing anything to punish him but rather enables him by giving him everything he wants. She doesn’t even scold him, she just tells him how much she loves him. Finally I told her if those stories don’t end with her having him put in jail then stop telling me about it. Hell he’s probably going to be the next one we hear on the news…
12 years ago at 10:54 pmGun control is all about control and nothing about guns. You can’t preach about how gun control saves lives while the facts state that the deadliest attacks in American history were committed using box cutters and fertilizer. Similarly, you can’t preach about how an “assault weapon” ban will save people’s lives when hammers and other blunt objects were used to murder more people last year than all types of rifles.
12 years ago at 9:51 amI’d feel safer if everybody that owned a gun went through a background check. You want the rest of the country to trust you with a gun? Prove it.
12 years ago at 12:46 amTo paraphrase a G’S Elevator tweet: Making guns illegal will stop people from getting them, just like making drugs illegal has stopped people from getting them.
12 years ago at 12:03 pmTHEN WHY HAVE LAWS
Making speed limits will stop people from speeding
Making murder illegal will stop people from murdering
If rape is outlawed, then only outlaws will rape.
What a fucking stupid argument.
12 years ago at 1:18 pm“If rape is outlawed, then only outlaws will rape.”
What an even stupider comment. Got desperate there and wanted to have just one more example there, champ?
12 years ago at 12:48 am…that was the point…
you’re not great with this whole sarcasm thing, are you
12 years ago at 2:03 amThe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
12 years ago at 2:31 pmWhere the fuck was all this anti-tyrannical outrage during the last administration? Sure, everyone retroactively NOW goes, “yeah, Bush crossed the line.” At the time, though? Not a fucking word from the “patriots”.
Gutless hypocrites, all of you.
12 years ago at 8:48 pmBush was a god awful president, but people were too stuck up in his frat attitude ‘true hard working American’ bullshit. You’re all a bunch of sheep, and it’s gonna bite you in the ass when we elect another ‘conservative’ president that skull fucks us just as hard.
12 years ago at 10:00 pmThere are no good arguments for a lack of gun control
12 years ago at 4:14 pm,r:3,s:0,i:93&iact=rc&dur=74&sig=107399373979927900624&page=1&tbnh=197&tbnw=197&start=0&ndsp=8&tx=45&ty=63
Great company you’re in champ.
12 years ago at 7:11 pmChrist. What a horrible column. Leave all the writing to bacon and dorn please.
12 years ago at 4:30 pm^
12 years ago at 5:45 pmIts becoming more and more obvious that the “liberal” governments issue with guns isn’t that they are causing deaths, when the anti- gun control’s argument has already proven that where guns are not allowed, more die. but they’re real issue is that they can’t continue with they’re tyrannical facist agenda so long as there are 300 odd million privately owned guns. But obviously they are going to slowly approach the total disarmament of the american people. that’s why we can’t budge.
I know many people including myself that would rather die than live as a slave for the UN and the future royal american authoritarian gov. Come and take it motherfuckers
12 years ago at 5:43 pmNot only did this article thoroughly blow fat chode dick, but you contradicted yourself for the greater majority of this piece. By the way, saying fuck you to congress and the supreme court is essentially saying that to the president considering they all wield the same amount of power. If you had any credibility whatsoever RageTheory it has now been significantly diminished, because promoting anything from the FOX network, regardless of the content, proves that you have very little education, or you’re a conspiracy theorist (I have a feeling you’re from Texas so there’s a great chance it’s both). In conclusion you guys should probably get a real fucking job cause this website is definitely not bringing in the cash I’m sure you all hoped it would, and I’m sure all of the staff here is at least over the age of 23 (I’m being generous with that) so all of you should have something better to do with your lives. Seriously though your shitty columns stopped being funny about a year ago, Viva La Stool bitches
12 years ago at 12:26 pmDerp. Angry nonsensical rant. Derp
12 years ago at 1:51 pmCan you shut the fuck up now?
12 years ago at 10:01 pm(ゞ`_´)ゞ ┻━┻
12 years ago at 12:45 pm