“The Wolf of Wall Street” Official Trailer #2

  1. Beta Theta Phrat

    Dorno called it first, no one else can say it will be movie of the year now.

    11 years ago at 9:50 am
  2. 0bid0offeronfucks

    If I ever got solicited by these fucks I would give them the obligatory buy-side fuck you and send them a box of dildos fedex followed by an email apologizing for forgetting the lube. If you want to get into trading or finance because of this movie you have no business on Wall or LaSalle Street. Fuck you.

    11 years ago at 10:42 am
    1. 0bid0offeronfucks

      Really? Take a look at the username dumbass. What you need to understand is that Wall St. and LaSalle St still needs retail flow in order to stay alive especially with legislation like Dodd-Frank coming in where banks can’t trade prop money anymore leaving fund money (end users again, retail). Do you think it wise to bite the hand that feeds you? Good luck with your career at Ameriprise. Cunt.

      11 years ago at 4:01 pm
  3. jplunkett21

    dorn, what the fuck. i posted this trailer last night, you sand baggin’ piece of shit.

    11 years ago at 4:27 pm