The Worst Song Ever Created: Call Me Maybe

You’ll have to forgive me if this column comes off with a slightly angrier tone than usual, but after last week’s Fail Friday I’ve listened to Carly Rae Jepsen’s enough times to make my ears bleed profusely.

For those that are deaf or who have somehow mystically avoided this pop phenom (please, tell us your secret), “Call Me Maybe” is a catchy pop hit from recording “artist” Carly Rae Jepsen that has spread across the country faster than your chapter’s legendary chlamydia epidemic of ‘02.

Now there is seldom a day you don’t hear the annoyingly upbeat chorus blasting at local bars, where the timeless voices of Ronnie Van Zant and Hank Williams Jr. once soothed you into a state of drunken stupor. Anywhere one of those fancy touch screen jukeboxes lay, you can expect at least 8 drunk girls plugging in Jepsen’s ballad to mediocrity per night.

Possibly the worst part of this song’s existence is its innate power to make every female within a 500 foot radius to sing along as loudly as their lungs will allow, and even the occasional dude will join in the painfully simple hook. If you’re that guy, please do us all the favor and look into experimental testicular removal surgery, because you clearly don’t deserve them.

Also, guys, while I’m really surprised that I have to point this out, it is in fact extremely feminine of you to make a goofy video of yourself singing this song. It seems like every bottom-tier in the country has put together a rendition of their own for the entire e-world to judge. And judging we are. I wouldn’t even make pledges dance to this song. I’m all for ruthless hazing, but that’s just cruel and unusual punishment.

It’s not often that I ask things of my readers, but this song is so excruciatingly mediocre that I feel like something needs to be done. Anytime you hear the unmistakable intro riff, make it your personal mission to pick a new song that is less likely to cause permanent hearing loss. Literally any other song would do. I would rather listen to LMFAO “Party Rock Anthem” in slow motion on repeat while getting an electric charge run through my dick than hear “Call Me Maybe” one more time.

To the girls who are going to berate me in the comments and on Twitter, I’m here to tell you personally that you should seriously consider improving your musical taste. No guy is going to be attracted to a girl belting out this Canadian hit full volume. Unless you want to end up with one of the fruits in the Fail Friday videos last week, I suggest you delete this atrocity from iTunes immediately.

    1. Join_Or_Die

      I’m praying that he has been working on it, I haven’t seen a new column in a while. If I read another shitty dorn column I might kill myself

      13 years ago at 4:24 pm
    2. MightBePike

      ^^ The nut I get from the Novels make my whole body shake as I retrograde-ejaculate up my bladder and into my soul.

      Can this next one involve being covered in shaving cream?

      13 years ago at 1:05 pm
    1. doggthebountyfratter

      you know what gets the bitches wet, hunting people down and bringing them to justice like I do every single day

      13 years ago at 11:42 am
  1. The Waltz

    Amen. Sorority girls continue to shock me with the garbage ‘music’ that they prefer to listen to.

    13 years ago at 11:41 am
  2. Bill Gates

    this song is a virus created to infect the brains of little children and adults alike.

    13 years ago at 11:41 am
    1. Repeal Title IX

      “a virus created to infect the brains of little children” – You’re thinking of Fratdusky’s syphilis.

      13 years ago at 1:19 pm
  3. American

    This is awesome. Although I think calling it mediocre is too much of a compliment. That song sucks.

    13 years ago at 11:42 am
    1. OldCopperTop

      I second that… Motion has passed, MOO please force the nerd pledge to make a virus that destroys this song from the Internet.

      13 years ago at 9:50 am
  4. Richard Head

    I’m not gonna lie it is a pretty catchy tune. Also, Barack Hussein Obama and Jimmy Carter are the two greatest presidents in the history of America. Oh and cargo shorts have plenty of room for me to put all of my handouts. Thanks taxpayers!

    13 years ago at 11:46 am