There’s a “Taken 2” and it Has a Trailer

When will the Albanian sex trafficking industry learn? You do NOT fuck with Liam Neeson’s family. I call him Liam Neeson because I honest to God can’t even remember his name in the original Taken. I just know that his daughter called him dad and that he was too busy murdering Albanians to introduce himself to anyone.

Ever since I saw the original Taken I’ve thought that the pitch for that movie had to be one of the simplest, and greatest in history.

“Okay so we’ve got this idea. Liam Neeson is an ex government special agent who has to rampage through Europe trying to rescue his daughter from sex traffickers. But here’s the best part: he never loses a fight. In fact he never even comes close to losing a fight. He just flat out kicks the shit out of every single bad guy he comes across. There won’t be a single second of this film where you doubt Liam Neeson’s ability to win any given fight he’s in. It’s literally just going to be two hours of Liam Neeson raining violent death on greasy European criminals. Oh and we wrote a sweet ass monologue for him.”

And that is the movie they made, and it was glorious. So it only makes sense that they’d make another.

It’s pretty clear that this movie has the exact same plot as the first one, but I’m completely okay with that. I wasn’t exactly looking for a think piece. In fact I wouldn’t even care if there were dozens of blatant continuity errors. I just want to see Liam Neeson wreck worlds for a couple of hours. My favorite part of this trailer, by far, is that it appears Liam Neeson’s former bitch ex wife left her second husband and came running back to him after he exploded most of France to rescue their daughter. Goddamn right she did. He’s Liam Fucking Neeson from Taken (seriously I don’t know his character’s name).

  1. FS2012

    Notice how his name isnt said in the trailer either. I don;t think his character has a name. Its unnecessary.

    12 years ago at 12:12 pm
  2. The Waltz

    How about regular movie reviews from TFM’s official in-house movie critic, Bacon? Could be a good move with your news section.

    12 years ago at 7:48 pm
    1. Danny Devitbro

      Or a book of the month club! And all of us fratstars can discuss it on the internet.

      12 years ago at 1:41 pm
  3. IFWT

    Fucking yes. Interested to see the creative ways he kills the terrorists in this sequel.

    12 years ago at 1:56 am
    1. FS2012

      You think he’s gonna let some European bitches get in the way of him fucking around Europe?

      12 years ago at 12:11 pm
    1. AceOnBase

      That was my first thought. How the fuck is this the only comment about how hot his daughter is?

      12 years ago at 5:19 pm
  4. FratstarAllAmerican

    Liam Neeson trained Batman, Obi Wan, and Darth Vader and his favorite leisurely activity is punching wolves in the face. That man is not to be fucked with.

    12 years ago at 1:55 pm