Things You Should Know Before Tranquilizing Yourself With Xanax

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The prescription drug Xanax is becoming much more than just a “prescription” drug. It’s a best selling medication in both the legal and illegal industries, which is all but astounding in a market dominated by opiate sales, such as ours. I’ve been around Xanax a handful of times, and I still don’t understand why or how it became a craze. Best case scenario: You pop a couple bars and fall asleep. Worst case scenario: You pop a couple bars and don’t fall asleep. Either way, you’re going to think you’re asleep. Hopefully you wake up in your bed and not behind the wheel of a moving car.

As far as intricately explaining the effects of Xanax, words just don’t do justice, so watch this guy be barred out in a bathroom with a bowl of Captain Crunch.

Clearly, Xanax isn’t for the weekend warrior type of drug abuser. You have to be able to trust your fucked up self to not fuck things up for your sober self, which is an ability that a lot of people lack.

The medical purpose of Xanax is to give those struggling with anxiety some sort of control over their disorder. Mr. Tearaway Track Pants from the video demonstrated an obvious lack of control. He probably fell asleep right there in that bathroom, and he probably gobbled down some soggy cereal the next morning. But I’ll be damned if he wasn’t as relaxed as a man can possibly be without some sort of hand-to-titty contact, or face-to-titty contact, or dick-to-titty contact, or any other situation involving contact with titties. The drug lives up to its expectations.

Xans fall under the benzodiazepine (benzo) umbrella, which, according to the good people at, can be classified more broadly as “tranquilizers.” How did tranquilizing yourself at the pregame, before the pregame, before the Thursday night bar crawl become a trend? That makes me so concerned about what might happen to the beloved pastime of dad drinking while cycling a couple joints, like civilized human beings. I just can’t see the reason in taking a pill that has a high probability of devolving your brain functions to a time before you knew how to speak.

The science behind what makes people do what they do on Xanax revolves around a single type of neurotransmitter in the brain called GABA. Its job is to slow the firing of neurons, which in turn causes the central nervous system to slow down. The amount of GABA present in the brain dictates the intensity of feelings such as anxiety. The more you have of one, the less you have of the other. Xanax causes the brain’s GABA levels to spike, which is why normal people spend a few hours being retarded after taking it.

In short, Xanax acts as a desensitizing lube for your emotions. If sex without pleasure is something you’re into, maybe it’s worth a shot. Pop a couple bars and before you know it, you’ll be ready to fuck your life for hours without having to worry about triggering those psychological defense mechanisms that would normally cause you to finish early.

Image via Wikimedia Commons

      1. Blowjob420

        If you take one 5mg or even one 10mg, nothing will happen. It’s the dumb fucks that pop 3 bars that cause accidents.

        7 years ago at 11:06 am
      2. BIowjob420

        My favorite thing is to pop a couple of bars just before I take a large penis in my ass. A truly heavenly experience, especially if the gentleman gives me a reach-around.

        7 years ago at 11:57 am
  1. Dsand

    TFM has become content exclusively for “diverse” fraternities and flat out pussies holy shit

    7 years ago at 12:08 pm
  2. PCPrincipal

    Xanax is one of the more common drugs that brings people to our ED. Xanax is extra risky because people who take Xanax to party almost always consume alcohol as concurrently. The problem is that benzodiazepines(Xanax) and alcohol BOTH increase GABA activity in the brain via similar mechanisms. This means that popping a “bar” and proceeding to get drunk is neurologically the same as taking twice as much Xanax or drinking 2/3 times as much. The people who don’t realize this put themselves at risk for dangerous respiratory depression, and other problems that need to be accessed by a healthcare provider.

    Don’t take Xanax, and if you are going to anyway, don’t drink while doing so.

    -Degenerate turned medical student.

    7 years ago at 12:24 pm
  3. My names Lawrence man

    I have been prescribed Xanax for the last several years for legitimate reasons and I have honestly never understood why people would want to take Xanax while partying. I take Xanax when I’m having serious anxiety problems and all it does is calm me down enough to feel normal and take a nap.

    Why would anyone go to a party and have the goal of taking substances that will just help you relax and go to sleep?

    Whatever happened to just going out, crushing beers, chasing tail, and fuckin’ raging all night? Honestly, I can understand why people would want to want to do some blow before a party, but Xanax? What the hell is wrong with kids today?

    7 years ago at 2:08 pm
  4. TheNatador69

    Take a quarter or half of a xan before you go out to have a different type of good time. Take a whole if you don’t want to get laid and be ‘that guy’

    7 years ago at 2:38 pm
  5. Cletus T Fireman

    Hey everyone, I have an honest question and I’m hoping to hear everyone’s opinion. I go to a small (5,000 students) liberal arts college with no Greek life, and I feel like I missed out. My friend group doesn’t like parties and I feel like at this point it’s too late to join a new group, so I fucked up and want a fresh start. Even if I don’t get a bid, at least I tried and can make new friends. I’m a sophomore, and I’ve really thought about transferring to a big state school and rushing. Is it weird/creepy/bad to rush during spring semester of sophomore year? Any advice helps. Thanks everyone

    7 years ago at 7:45 pm
    1. jizzrag69

      Anyone dumb enough to go to a small liberal arts college with no Greek life and then be disappointed that his social life consists of playing dungeons and dragons every Friday night will never get a bid from any real fraternity. My advice to you: stay where you are, find a rich Asian girl, get married, move to a small town with a moderate climate, and spend the rest of your life teaching history at the local high school.

      7 years ago at 7:07 am
      1. Cletus T Fireman

        I’m sure no fraternity would look highly upon a keyboard warrior who think’s he’s hot shit because he can use curse words over a computer lmfao. But thanks anyways man

        7 years ago at 6:39 pm
      2. jizzrag69

        Your the loser who posted the same pathetic cry for help on every article. Fucking goober

        7 years ago at 8:16 pm