This Australian Drinking Game Will Kill You

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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Australian craze known as Neknomination. The concept is simple enough: film yourself drinking a vile concoction and then nominate your friends to one-up your challenge in a video of their own. While it seems the competition began simply enough with alcoholic mixtures that would make your stomach turn, in a classic case of “well, that escalated quickly,” the videos became more and more disturbing.

Dog food. Raw eggs. Antifreeze. These are just a few of the ingredients that make for a legendary Neknomination.

According to CNN, five men have reportedly died after participating in this social media sensation. After seeing some of the videos, I’m sure that number will steadily rise. Leave it to Australia to make this ridiculous, life-endangering trend a global phenomenon. When you live in a country where literally every single animal would love to see you dead, I guess there’s just nothing better to do than commit systematic suicide.

It appears the trend has spread to a few other batshit crazy countries, namely Great Britain, Germany, and those bastards up north who we will soon destroy on the hockey rink.

So far, there haven’t been too many American examples of Neknomination, and personally, I couldn’t be more thankful. Let’s keep this idiotic game abroad and not let the Aussies and Brits influence us into gastronomic distress solely for social media fame. Come on guys, we’re better than that.

Here are a few gems from the Neknomination craze. Warning: these aren’t for the weak stomached.

What a bunch of idiots.

[via CNN]