This Lady Claiming To Have Nudes Of Emily Ratajkowski But Won’t Release Them Basically Just Released Them

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I’ve never heard of British reality TV star Helen Wood but she apparently won a season of Big Brother over there. She also blogs for the Daily Star and has a nice little social media following. Well, Wood apparently received a Twitter DM from a random person that included a link to some hacked Emily Ratajkowski nudes that were accessed through her iCloud account.

The sender encouraged her to leak the nudes to the public in an article.

Wood, being a total sweetheart, decided not to share the nudes. After all, it’s a pretty fucked up invasion of privacy. It’s also illegal. Good work, Helen Wood. But instead of sitting on this information with the hopes that the nudes wouldn’t see the light of day, Wood decided to write about the DM interaction, without exposing the Twitter user, as well as inform her readers that she has access to nudes of Emily Ratajkowski that the public has not seen.

She provided commentary about how wrong it is to leak the nudes of someone without their consent. She’s right — it is decidedly wrong.

From Helen Wood’s column in the Daily Star:

Last week, I was pondering along through life, when I received a DM on Twitter. No idea who this guy was, but had a peek all the same out of curiosity.

Turns out, it was a link to Emily Ratajkowski’s iCloud pictures. This clown had inboxed me and asked that I release the full set of naked images in my column. […]

I know there are some demented people out there, but I cannot get my head around how sick it is.

I understand that lads are lads, they have a meltdown over female genitalia, whatever, I also get why they look at these pics when they leak, but anyone applauding it and helping spread it like wild fire, ask yourselves how you’d feel if that was your mum, kids’ mum, sister, girlfriend, or YOU?

I’m all for having a laugh, but there is a line between someone choosing to release pics and what they decide to keep private.

Here’s my question, though: Why was this column necessary? The sentiment in the above excerpt is a good one, but why present it like this?

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Why publish the name of the celebrity who has been hacked? An alternative title could be something like this: Hacking Private Pictures of Someone is Fucked Up. Or this: Don’t Leak Nudes of Someone, You Fucking Asshole. You could have gotten the exact same points across under these headlines. Or at the very least, couldn’t she have mentioned that she received the nudes but left Ratajkowski’s name out of it? The self-serving featured image is a bonus, too.

She just launched the nerdiest witch hunt possible in the wake of this situation. She let every perv with a computer science degree know that A) an A-list celebrity’s nudes have been hacked, B) that celebrity is Emily Ratajkowski, and C) if you look hard enough, you can find them and do with them what you will.

Here’s Ratajkowski’s pinned tweet, by the way:

She takes this shit as seriously as any celeb out there.

[via Daily Star]

Image via Twitter/ @Helen_Wood86

  1. Jacobim Mugatu

    There’s plenty of her material out there as it is. No need to steal it.

    8 years ago at 6:18 pm
  2. prex8390

    Hiding These nudes is like claiming to have nudes of Jenna Jameson and withholding them. Anyone half way smart is a google search away from seeing her naked.

    8 years ago at 7:07 pm
  3. SharkWeekTFM

    Why use the name and not just a generic statement? Because more people will read (as we all have) an article with the words “Emily Ratajkowski Nudes” than “Don’t invade people’s privacy, mmmkay? It’s bad, mmmkay.”

    8 years ago at 7:11 pm
  4. Only4.99

    She walked passed me at the Super Bowl. It was the best part of the day. Fuck you Kyle Shanahan.

    8 years ago at 8:09 pm
  5. thevaginator

    Hey guys. I thought of a bunch of funny TFM’s that probably wouldn’t get posted on the wall so I figured I would just post them here. Enjoy!

    Wearing a Ray Rice jersey to a sorority event raising awareness about domestic violence. TFM.

    Being a huge asshole to everyone for no good reason. TFM.

    Convincing a girl to perform sexual acts she isnt comfortable with through constant lying and manipulation. TFM.

    Being a great drunk driver. TFM.

    Contracting multiple STDs by rawdogging a Guatemalan hooker during a mission trip and then proceeding to fuck your girlfriend after you get home. TFM.

    Endangering the lives of your brothers and local civilians by getting extremely fucked up the night you were supposed to be the sober driver and driving them anyways. FAF.

    Being known as the kid who is “Kind of rapey”. TFM.

    Joe Mixon. TFTC.

    8 years ago at 12:02 am
    1. Cartier

      Worst post of the year. Really desperate and kind of an off brand Hillary vibe to it

      8 years ago at 5:39 am
      1. thevaginator

        How about you pull the stick out of your ass and quit being such an uptight little prick?

        8 years ago at 1:03 pm
    2. Wasted Wednesday

      Is this your way of telling us you’re gonna get yourself balled soon?

      8 years ago at 6:29 am