This Lady Was Arrested For 3-D Printing A Selfie Of Her Vagina And Making A “Pussy Boat”

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Even more impressive than carrying out her plans to create a functional boat out of a 3-D printout of her vagina is Japanese artist Rokudenashiko’s willingness to throw around the P-word like it ain’t no thing. She simply loves it. Below is an excerpt from her crowdfunding campaign wherein she raised the money to purchase a 3-D printer to bring her pussy boat mockup to a real, functioning pussy boat.

I wanted to make pussy more casual and pop. That’s how I came to make a pussy lampshade, a remote-controlled pussy car, a pussy accessary, a pussy smartphone case, and so on. […] However, mold by hand has the limitation. … [It’s] not suitable for making large art pieces such as a pussy door, a pussy car, or a pussy boat. I was wondering how I can make it possible, and then I finally found that 3D scanner can make it happen easily!

See what I mean? Rokudenashiko–which loosely translates to “good-for-nothing girl”–loves her some P-word.

Unfortunately for pussy-loving Rokudenashiko, she was arrested for emailing data to 30 people who had responded to her campaign to raise funds “for her recent artistic venture: a kayak inspired on her own genitalia she calls ‘pussy boat.’”

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From The Guardian:

The artist, whose real name is Megumi Igarashi, was held in custody in Tokyo on suspicion of breaking Japanese obscenity laws. Media reports said Igarashi, 42, denied the allegations. She pointed out that had not sent images of her vagina in return for money and did not recognise the scanned 3D data as obscene.

Kyodo quoted unnamed police sources as saying Igarashi had collected about 1m yen in exchange for the data.

If convicted, the pussy popper could face as much as two years behind bars and a fine of 2.5 million yen ($24,500). Ridiculous. That’s a lot of yen, man.

Rokudenashiko made her pussy boat, though, and shoved it right up everyone’s asses (figuratively speaking). In a culture that frowns upon such sexual expression, she’s not afraid to shake things up a bit, and of course by “shake things up,” I mean make things out of her vagina molds. You do you, Rokudenashiko.

She explains:

“Pussy has been such a taboo in the Japanese society. Penis, on the other hand, has been used in illustrations and signed as a part of pop culture. But pussy has never been so cute.”

The pussy boat design couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. After your arms get tired from rowing for extended periods of time, you can rest them by laying them inside the labia minora.

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Note: I never use the P-word in my writing. It’s just so dirty, you know? My hands were kinda pussy-tied on this one, though.

[via The Guardian]

Image via The Guardian /Megumi Igarashi

    1. girl_in_every_port

      Nope , this article is about japan. Keep tryin though, you’ll get there.

      10 years ago at 11:34 am
    1. The_Sherminator

      Haha, the joke is that his penis is the size and roughly the shape of an aircraft carrier!

      Go play in traffic.

      10 years ago at 12:06 pm