This Map Shows The Most Desirable Colleges Per State

Infographic maps that start arguments are always great material, and this one will certainly accomplish that. The website eCollegeFinder put together the below map. It reveals which American colleges are the “most desirable” within the states they reside. The results are based on “which college received the most undergraduate applications in the fall of 2013,” using data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Database.

Most of the results will come as no surprise, but there are some shockers in here.

Click image to enlarge.

[via eCollegeFinder]

  1. theLSUfratter

    This list is laughable. Nobody wants to go to UCF, but it’s easy to get into.

    10 years ago at 10:40 am
    1. Lace_Em_Up

      How the fuck is Wash U more popular than Mizzou? Sec East Champs, top 3 Journalism School, top Nursing School, the fucking originators of Homecoming?

      10 years ago at 1:59 pm
      1. ProudPhi2042

        That’s because Wash U has the number 5 business school in the country, the best premed program in the country, phenomenal other programs, a country club like campus, and is ranked the number 15 university in the country, ahead of a couple Ivies, Vandy, Notre Dame, and many more. Mizzou is a damn good time but it’s hard to beat a resume like that.

        10 years ago at 4:46 pm
      2. Buzz Light Beer

        WashU also has alum like Jeff Tremaine, Harold Ramis and Chris Sanderson. Hard to beat that resume is right

        10 years ago at 5:29 pm
  2. titsoutfortheNoles

    No Floridian really WANTS to go to UCF… You’ll get a way better experience at FSU and (although I hate to say it) UF.

    10 years ago at 10:41 am
  3. AButtChuggingPike

    It’s based solely on applications? There’s no surprise that the liberals in Chicago want to go to Northwestern. How about world rankings in academics? (UIUC is top 25 in the world) Or party school rankings? (#3 in the Princeton Review)

    10 years ago at 10:42 am
    1. InHocBigTen

      Why brag about UIUC’s academic ranking when Northwestern is top 15 in the country? And I’m calling bullshit that U of I is top 25 in the world. It’s not even in the top 40 in the US.

      10 years ago at 12:00 pm
    2. ProudPhi2042

      That list of top universities in the world is absolute horse shit. Anyone with a decent knowledge of colleges in the US would see an absurd amount of flaws in that list.

      10 years ago at 4:50 pm
    3. JustForTheStory

      If you’re choosing to go to to UIUC over Northwestern, there’s a reason you’re going to UIUC.

      10 years ago at 9:32 am
  4. NightriderNoisewater

    Biggest joke is Marquette over Wisconsin. Marquette is a safety school compared to Wisconsin.

    10 years ago at 10:43 am
      1. Jay Pritchett

        ha wisconsinite here too bro and a marquette student. not knocking on wisconsin but when you consider top schools both are safeties.

        10 years ago at 12:09 pm
      2. Frattylight_94

        I’ll settle this right now. Wisconsin is 10x better than Marquette. Even Marquette and UWM are kinda a toss up for #2. Marquette is wierd as fuck.

        10 years ago at 1:20 pm
      3. Jay Pritchett

        UWM shouldn’t even count as a college. I dont think we pay 40k a year at MU for a shitty education.

        10 years ago at 2:15 pm
      4. Devil n A Saint

        On the university sites, it indicates that Marquette is more expensive than UW, in every way possible, out-of-state, with or without room or board, everything. It’s also lower in ROI, USNWR, and median alumni salary. Marquette is also in Milwaukee. Three strikes

        10 years ago at 2:21 pm
      5. Packer2011

        Easy way to settle this, Marquette’s application is free and UW’s costs money. Seems pretty obvious which school would receive the most undergraduate applications.

        On Wisconsin

        10 years ago at 4:45 pm
      6. DonaldSterling

        The only thing Marquette is good for is the dental school. Let’s be honest, who wants to pick through Dorn’s mouth right after he got done blowing his 13 year old boyfriend.

        10 years ago at 4:49 pm
      7. Frattylight_94

        Or maybe you do because you’re a chump. My program is ranked 15th in the country at UWM. All the professors are Harvard, Princeton, Oxford types and its dirt cheap. Oh yeah, not to mention Marquette girls come to UWM to party.

        10 years ago at 5:15 pm
      8. NightriderNoisewater

        That’s why Microsoft’s new CEO is a UWM alum? Yeah you’re right, definitely not a college.

        10 years ago at 5:42 pm
      9. rocky of brohio

        he did his masters degree there because he was an international student taking loans. Pretty sure it was his UChicago MBA that helped propel him to management

        10 years ago at 7:07 pm
    1. FraturdayNights

      as an out of stater, i gotta go with uw. better city, party school, and decent education compared to the rest of the big 10. that being said, fuck wisco

      10 years ago at 4:07 pm
    2. Smathers and Broson

      Marquette’s average GPA is higher than Madison’s I believe. And I know for a fact that their accounting and finance programs are higher ranked than Madison’s.

      10 years ago at 1:18 am
      1. NightriderNoisewater

        Madison has 30,000 students. Marquette has 11,000. Madison curriculum is proven harder. And Madison’s Business School is ranked 29th in the country (need a 3.6 gpa to get into it), and Marquette’s isn’t even ranked. Boom.

        10 years ago at 8:38 am
    1. Reaganomics196

      Duke’s the only school in the South where you can make it to Wall Street and unlike most Ivies you can still have a good time while you’re at it

      10 years ago at 12:53 pm
      1. Frattios and sperrys

        I’m pretty sure prestigious southern schools including Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, and Virginia, who all have very strong Greek Scenes, can make it on Wall St while having a damn good time.

        10 years ago at 1:48 pm
      2. BelfortFratter

        Apart from maybe UVA, Duke absolutely blows those schools out of the water when it comes to Wall Street recruitment.

        10 years ago at 2:21 pm
      3. AhAhAh

        “We don’t hate Duke because they’re smart. We hate them because they think they’re smarter than they actually are.”

        10 years ago at 4:47 pm
      4. rocky of brohio

        I went to my friend at duke’s christmas party, their biggest party of the semester.

        Casual tuesday nights at my public college are a better time. And kids still get onto wall street.

        10 years ago at 7:01 pm
      1. Sperrys in the Rain

        It’s going to be a lonely life for you with your liberal arts degree from a school with sub par academics.

        10 years ago at 2:30 pm
  5. DeltsDoItBIG

    There’s 0% chance Marquette had 23,000 applicants with 8,000 enrolling. Someone fucked up somewhere

    10 years ago at 10:48 am