This Map Shows The Most Desirable Colleges Per State

Infographic maps that start arguments are always great material, and this one will certainly accomplish that. The website eCollegeFinder put together the below map. It reveals which American colleges are the “most desirable” within the states they reside. The results are based on “which college received the most undergraduate applications in the fall of 2013,” using data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Database.

Most of the results will come as no surprise, but there are some shockers in here.

Click image to enlarge.

[via eCollegeFinder]

  1. DawgTown

    Can someone down south explain to me why Tulane is more popular than LSU? Is it just the fact that they are in New Orleans?

    10 years ago at 12:06 pm
    1. Brosef Mengele

      Because it’s a fun school for kids from the east coast/midwest to go to where there’s a lower chance of you getting shot.

      10 years ago at 12:22 pm
      1. SuckthatTigahD

        Highly Debatable. NOLA is called Chopper City for a reason. That being said, it is a great safety school for Ivy League rejects and carpetbaggers.

        10 years ago at 1:17 pm
    1. Nicksabansbro

      Auburn should just be pushed into georiga we don’t want that damn cow college in bama

      10 years ago at 1:43 pm
      1. Devil n A Saint

        That would suck for your state, since it has a higher alumni median salary than Bama

        10 years ago at 2:15 pm
  2. Brosef Mengele

    This map is irrelevant. All it shows is which schools are big and easy to get into, for the most part.

    10 years ago at 12:21 pm
  3. peepeevagina

    people aren’t getting the phrase “most desirable” it has nothing to do with sports. in regards to the UCF matter, it got voted as the “most desirable” because of its life in that city and all of the things to do. If anyone here has been to Gainesville or Tallahassee they would know that there is absolutely nothing desirable to do there.

    10 years ago at 1:10 pm
  4. JTownMoney

    Boise IS NOT A STATE!!!!! University of Idaho is 10000 times better in every way than BSU!!

    10 years ago at 1:16 pm
    1. Kav

      First off, nobody cares about Idaho. Second, state means state-funded or supported schools, hence the existence of schools like Kent State, Bowling Green State, etc. Take a lap.

      10 years ago at 3:16 pm
  5. Devil n A Saint

    “Most applicants” does not equal “most desirable”. The same site that they got this information also has the percentage of applicants admitted who chose the school for enrollment. Add that to the formula, and you got something a lot more accurate.

    10 years ago at 2:03 pm