This Map Shows The Most Desirable Colleges Per State

Infographic maps that start arguments are always great material, and this one will certainly accomplish that. The website eCollegeFinder put together the below map. It reveals which American colleges are the “most desirable” within the states they reside. The results are based on “which college received the most undergraduate applications in the fall of 2013,” using data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Database.

Most of the results will come as no surprise, but there are some shockers in here.

Click image to enlarge.

[via eCollegeFinder]

  1. FraturdayKnight

    OSU over OU…maybe i should transfer, I always wanted to live in a shithole and receive a mediocre education

    10 years ago at 4:00 pm
    1. wearbowsdrinkwhiskey

      Not when it comes to greek life. Sorority houses are legally considered brothels in Tempe and therefore illegal and the administration has pretty much killed every frat there to the point that there’s barely/essentially no Greek row.

      10 years ago at 12:51 am
  2. CarolinaNatty

    South Carolina is a safety school. So much easier to get into than Clemson.

    10 years ago at 4:38 pm
  3. UoIBrohemian

    Boise State?!?! Really?? They have 2 houses and no Parties. U of I is so much better.

    10 years ago at 6:25 pm
  4. GMcDaniel28

    University of South Carolina…where students in SC go when they can’t get into Clemson or College of Charleston

    10 years ago at 12:30 am