This Map Shows The Most Desirable Colleges Per State

Infographic maps that start arguments are always great material, and this one will certainly accomplish that. The website eCollegeFinder put together the below map. It reveals which American colleges are the “most desirable” within the states they reside. The results are based on “which college received the most undergraduate applications in the fall of 2013,” using data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Database.

Most of the results will come as no surprise, but there are some shockers in here.

Click image to enlarge.

[via eCollegeFinder]

  1. TryingTooHard

    South Dakota State University is one of the most GDI anti greek schools in the nation. Should have put University of South Dakota. 30% Greek and has three national award winning chapters.

    10 years ago at 12:22 pm
  2. TheGreatCornholio

    Hampden-Sydney College would be a more appropriate pick for Virginia as reckoned by the lifestyle portrayed and satirized on this site. Here’s why:
    “An all male college in South West Virginia where uniforms are required. Shaggy hair, rainbow sandals, Hampden-Sydney ribbon belt (with the school crest), and a pastel color collared shirt or polo (popping the collar is not an added option to the uniform). Many men keep their rifles at school with them. The school is the society boys of the South East and they have WASP heritage though they tend to also hold strong southern values. (Note the confederate flag found in most dorm rooms). The boys vary in intellectual abilities, but frequently have large bank accounts, high-class cars, and know which silverware to use. They stick their noses up in the air but not because they are snobs… and when you see the head go back and the sniffles begin you know they’re prepared for a weekend of no sleep. The men frequent courses such as Wine Tasting. Hampden-Sydney is its own isolated world where alcohol consumption by minors is basically encouraged by police. The men spend Monday-Wednesday concentrating on their studies and Thursday-Sunday having sex and drinking. The average HS-C man drinks gallons of beer per semester, uses tobacco in some form, loves to hunt, fish, listen to rock and roll (ie Widespread, 80’s bands, Southern rock, jam bands), dresses well,(Polo, Lacoste, etc, with camo ball cap), has a hot girlfriend, and fully expects to live well. Note: the campus is an island of wealth in a sea of poverty; with that wealth comes great excess at times. It is true that because of the personal freedom (and wealth), frequently HS-C men get away with a lot of things that are plain illegal. But the true HS-C man is at heart a Southern boy, honest and friendly, chivilrous towards women, with a code of honor that words cannot define, a sense of brotherhood that spans decades, and hospitality as warm as Makers’ Mark. He is what he is, and he likes it that way. Take him or leave him.”

    10 years ago at 12:32 pm
    1. TheGreatCornholio

      Oh yeah:
      ” Nearly becoming coed in the late 90’s, the Hampden-Sydney men came to their senses and realized that,”they don’t need girls. They are doing just fine with yours.””

      10 years ago at 12:39 pm
    2. Das Boot

      Hampden-Sydney always has and always will play second fiddle to W&L. We’re elite, you’re just a bunch of goobers sitting around in the middle of nowhere having a big circle jerk.

      10 years ago at 10:37 pm
      1. TheGreatCornholio

        What’s your point? Guys who go to Sydney probably couldn’t get in to W&L, sure. Well, guys who go to W&L couldn’t get into Princeton.

        10 years ago at 2:01 pm
    1. Bateman196

      Yeah, maybe because its one of the best schools in the country. Just a thought

      10 years ago at 3:11 pm
  3. utkPONG

    There’s no way vandy is the most desirable school in Tennessee. Their greek life sucks and are an embarrassment to the SEC. Everyone in Tennessee wants to go to UT.

    10 years ago at 1:41 am