donald trump pussy

This Tape Of Donald Trump Saying He Grabs Women “By The Pussy” Isn’t All That Surprising

donald trump pussy

A late Friday afternoon news dump by the Washington Post shows Donald Trump mic’d up in 2005 on the set of “Days of our Lives” and conversing exactly how you’d expect The Don to sound like in the comfort of a private conversation amongst friends. It goes without saying, but Trump has some rather non-presidential quotes.

This is definitely going to ruffle some feathers amongst most media outlets, but none of the things said by Trump are particularly shocking. I take that back. Trump admitting defeat and acknowledging that he, in fact, failed to fuck a married woman is the type of humility I didn’t know he possessed. I would have thought he blocked that out of his mind altogether.

  1. Ron_Draper

    Look I understand a lot of the readers on here are frustrated with our government drifting more to the left than they like, but honestly how could anybody getting a college education be okay with this guy running our country??
    Not even the Bush’s like the guy….

    8 years ago at 4:59 pm
    1. Dan is a fat cunt69

      Trump isn’t a traditional conservative by any means most real conservatives hate trump since he is the perfect anti republican propaganda tool

      8 years ago at 5:16 pm
      1. CerysLambert

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        8 years ago at 12:38 pm
      1. Donnie Fratzoff

        Hillary doesn’t rock the boat and will continue the policies of the political establishment of Bush and Obama (which I recognize as shit). Trump is an anti-establishment candidate with even shittier policies who gives legitimacy to the political establishment. A vote for him is a vote for making sure the political elite can continue fucking up our lives.

        8 years ago at 5:32 pm
    2. wisebeta


      I descend from a lineage that has seen more than its share of military leaders (including my combat-wounded father) and elected politicians. This land has been very good to us, since our ancestors made the passage to Virginia from England, in the mid-1630s. That is but one birthright I’m voting to keep going strong with this election.

      I saw the damage the dem leadership is doing to our Armed Forces when I served. bergdahl and “chelsea”/bradley manning disgraced the uniform I wore, and both should have been lined up and shot long ago. Budget cuts have drastically reduced our ability to defend our nation. Insane rules of engagement, inhibit our combat operations and needlessly expose our troops to greater peril. My closest two fraternity bros are still in (one tabbed Ranger last year). I have two friends in the Army Reserves and Army National Guard, who patrol the border for their civilian jobs. Our wide-open border is a huge national security liability.

      My life experiences have showed me who has promising leadership potential, and who does not. Trump has accomplished much, as a superb executive and developer. If you look at written history and Biblical History, you will see that some of the best leaders had their imperfections, but they accomplished great things in building up their nations. hildog would tank this great nation even further. that corrupt, nefarious pol has no redeeming qualities.

      johnson-weld is just a libertarian farce, and they really just sound like rejects of the cannabis and green parties. Fortunately, they’re taking votes away from the dems as much, if not more than from Trump-Pence.

      I see tremendous upside to the Donald, and the Bush family undid a lot of the good Reagan did. Them not supporting Trump, is just fine with me. The GOP since 1992, has lost 5/6 popular ballots during Presidential races. Part of that, is due to alienating the political coalition Reagan built. Trump is bringing them back together. He also has a superb VP on that ticket, in Mike Pence, a solid Governor.

      8 years ago at 7:01 pm
      1. Donnie Fratzoff

        You say the Bushes undid many of Reagan’s accomplishments (despite Bush Sr laying the foundation for NAFTA Reagan’s free trade dream) and yet Trump is running as a protectionistic populist, the literal opposite of Reagan’s neoliberal agenda. And could you list me the terrorists that got through our “wide-open border” ?

        8 years ago at 7:39 pm
      2. Bmichaels

        Trying to convince people it’s a good idea to vote for Hillary Clinton, NF.

        8 years ago at 7:48 pm
      3. Tandy Phrats

        Don’t think that’s what he was insinuating, B. Either way, we can all agree Dan is a total cuck.

        8 years ago at 9:35 pm
      4. Chief Fratdaddy

        What is wrong with you people? Anyone who would abstain from voting or support Clinton over Trump has their head up their ass. Can’t believe that many softies are on here. You’re not much better than the SJW leftist types. Makes me sick.

        8 years ago at 10:02 am
    3. FrayettevilleLegend

      Because countries unravel from the inside. Not the outside. Inside the US, the Supreme Court is the most powerful political entity in our country. The balance of the Supreme Court will be decided by this election. Thus, I will swallow my pride and vote for this Idiot because he will appoint justices that will protest our constitutionally expressed rights as US citizens and will uphold the constitution even under pressure from the other two branches.

      8 years ago at 12:04 am
      1. Donnie Fratzoff

        You operate under the assumption that an anti-free market nativist and openly xenophobic populist like trump would pick better SCOTUS nominees than HRC. I’m as pro-2A as it gets, but gun rights are not the end all be all of constitutional rights that should be considered when looking at the candidates. Not to mention if any explicitly anti-gun nominees get sent up for confirmation it would be up to your elected GOP representatives to block that person for a more moderate choice, like Sandoval.

        8 years ago at 2:59 am
      2. Chief Fratdaddy

        @ Donnie Fratzoff – no true fraternity man believes the liberal bull shit you’re spewing. Check out the animal rights group on the quad – you may feel more at home

        8 years ago at 10:11 am
      3. ReardenSteel

        Does sucking up to liberals to seem more empathetic to that 6 who’s friend zoned you make you feel better, you spineless loser. This is the end of America as we know it we are talking about.

        8 years ago at 11:24 am
    4. ReardenSteel

      You’re a pussy. A liberal SCOTUS nominee and open borders is the end of America and probably Western Civilization as we know it.

      8 years ago at 1:28 am
      1. Donnie Fratzoff

        Open borders will “end America”? You mean America might become minority-majority? Oh god how terrible… even though America’s fastest-growing major state (and most economically powerful state to boot) Texas is a minority-majority state. Fear-mongering over nothing is for Democrats, GTFO with that BS.

        8 years ago at 2:54 am
      2. FrayettevilleLegend

        You’re an idiot. Trump has already posted all of the potential nominees. Not that you are educated enough for a list like that to do you any good. Also, the fact that you think the only difference in liberal and conservative justices is 2nd amendment issue makes you a fucking joke. Come back when you take your high school gov’t class, kid.

        8 years ago at 3:46 am
      3. Bmichaels

        It’s not worth the effort Fayetville. I got downvoted for saying voting for Hillary is NF. Imagine that.

        8 years ago at 11:47 am
      4. ReardenSteel

        Lol at the losers who go on this website. This is why you are rapidly losing market shared to 01D R0W.

        8 years ago at 7:07 pm
      5. Chief Fratdaddy

        @BMichaels. Honestly man. Down voted for speaking against the most incompetent, corrupt, liberal deceiver to ever seek office. And you get down voted by what should be the last bastion of right-wing, no-nonsense strength – our fraternal systems. Says it all. America as our ancestors fought for is all but lost.

        8 years ago at 7:14 pm
      6. Donnie Fratzoff

        I said “gun rights are not the end all be all of constitutional rights” can you read dipshit?

        8 years ago at 12:29 pm
      7. FrayettevilleLegend

        Yeah? That’s my point, dipshit. You said that unprompted in response to my point about liberal justices controlling the SCOTUS. The only reason for making that argument would be that you think that is the only important distinction between liberal and conservative justices. Unless, of course, you were setting up some sort of straw man argument. I think it’s probably more important to appoint justices who follow the law rather than their conscience. Thus, I’m talking about things like limiting commerce power, and obeying the rules enacted to protect federalism such as the distinctions made between strict scrutiny and rational basis when engaging in equal protection or due process issues.

        8 years ago at 1:02 pm
      8. Chief Fratdaddy

        @ Rearden. These “fraternity men” are a bunch of pussies. Really are losing our civilization.

        8 years ago at 7:09 pm
    5. LordSchermerhorn

      It just goes to show that there is only one party; the elite. Globalism < Nationalism. That's why this election is so important.

      8 years ago at 9:42 am
    6. EllaBarker

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      8 years ago at 2:32 pm
    7. TossMeABronson

      The fact that the Bush family doesn’t like him makes me like him even more. 41 has lived a great life and I believe is a true patriot, but his politics are horrible. 43 is caring and compassionate, but he has left us with one hell of a mess that includes the Obama Presidency.

      8 years ago at 5:29 pm
      1. Chief Fratdaddy

        Well said. To all the geeds and high schoolers: take a look at wiki leaks today. And get your head out of your ass.

        8 years ago at 9:12 pm
      2. Buddyweiser

        43 politicized 9/11, defrauded the American people, tricked us into going into war that we had no business going into, and profited from it.

        8 years ago at 10:17 am
      3. TossMeABronson

        While I don’t agree with the war in Iraq, I don’t see how Bush or Cheney profited from it. Do you have actual evidence of this?

        8 years ago at 2:07 pm
      4. Buddyweiser

        The Bush family was heavily invested in military contracting companies, especially Carlyle group. Simple google search can give you all the evidence you need.

        8 years ago at 2:51 pm
  2. House of Paign

    If someone had a secret microphone on your entire life, and then played back the most embarrassing things you’ve ever said – who among us would not look bad?

    What is really reflects on is the sleaziness of the people recording and those that published it.

    There are reasons to vote for Trump and reasons against. Do some research and make an informed choice. The stuff in this video is irrelevant.

    8 years ago at 5:07 pm
    1. A2TREES

      Who the fuck says they can grab them by the pussy because they’re rich? No, not everybody says these thing

      8 years ago at 10:19 pm
    2. CrookedHalo

      It’s wasn’t secret. He was with a reporter. The reporter says at the end, give me my mic back. Trump the stump. Why were uneducated “white Democrats” even allowed to vote in our Primary? They hate their party so they came over and wrecked ours. It’s like letting an army of hillbilly GDI’s crash your formal. To say the resulting dumpster fire formal is at least better than no formal at all is not an acceptable answer.

      8 years ago at 6:05 am
  3. Dan is a fat cunt69

    Its officially over for trump if trump has any decency he would let mike pence run in his place he can actually run this country

    8 years ago at 5:14 pm
  4. Ronnie Swanson

    Only 1 candidate smokes pot, refuses to study, and was in a fraternity. Feel the Johnson.

    8 years ago at 5:24 pm
    1. LordSchermerhorn

      Johnson literally got triggered when he heard the term “illegal immigrant”. Look it up it’s actually a hilarious video. But regardless. NF.

      8 years ago at 9:46 am
  5. PcPrincipal2k16

    You know for the past year I keep seeing this type of shit and every time I ask myself, ” Is this the final straw for the Donald??? ”

    Fuck no because sometimes you just gotta grab life right by the pussy!!!!

    8 years ago at 5:41 pm
    1. fratsohardUn1versity

      This might really be it. I dont think people realize if Hillary wins we will move in the direction of western Europe…and it aint pretty over there. I just hope we can keep the house and senate

      8 years ago at 8:41 pm