donald trump pussy

This Tape Of Donald Trump Saying He Grabs Women “By The Pussy” Isn’t All That Surprising

donald trump pussy

A late Friday afternoon news dump by the Washington Post shows Donald Trump mic’d up in 2005 on the set of “Days of our Lives” and conversing exactly how you’d expect The Don to sound like in the comfort of a private conversation amongst friends. It goes without saying, but Trump has some rather non-presidential quotes.

This is definitely going to ruffle some feathers amongst most media outlets, but none of the things said by Trump are particularly shocking. I take that back. Trump admitting defeat and acknowledging that he, in fact, failed to fuck a married woman is the type of humility I didn’t know he possessed. I would have thought he blocked that out of his mind altogether.

  1. Drunk Chris Berman

    I understand someone’s need to expose this, but why not expose Clinton’s atrocity with the Haitian earthquake victims, or anything else she has done? Shit like this is ruining our country.

    8 years ago at 9:10 pm
  2. Gingg

    For a website that screams to the top of its lungs that they don’t promote rape culture, this article ironically seems to brush over the fact that Trump said he has sexually assaulted a woman and he got away with it because he’ a star.

    8 years ago at 3:25 am
  3. HottyToddysd

    Wow. MSM and the general public freak out over something Trump said 10 years ago (and not to justify but cmon there are a lot of guys that talk this way in private with friends) yet no one bats an eye at the horrible actions hillarys actually done. Or what about said… What about Hillary saying “why can’t we just drone strike Julian Assange” does she just get a pass on that?

    8 years ago at 11:14 am
  4. ZeteNJ

    Gary Johnson 2016. This isn’t even a tough decision. If you want to shrink the size of government, Gary Johnson isn’t your third choice, he’s your only choice.

    8 years ago at 10:05 am