This Young Guy Who Sleeps With Great-Grandmothers Just Ruined My Friday

Screen Shot 2014-06-06 at 1.58.31 PM

After hitting play on the below video, it only took 17 seconds until my Friday was ruined. Just flat-out ruined. Hell, my entire weekend might be shot. When 31-year-old Kyle Jones starts tonguing down with this 91-year-old bag of bones, part of my soul died. This dude is nasty. Check out the grill on this old lady. Check out the whole 91-year-old package. She may have been attractive during the Civil War era, but she’s been rode hard and put up wet ever since.

I shouldn’t be picking on her, though. She’s just a nice great-grandmother who happens to be dating a freak of nature. It’s Kyle Jones who I have beef with. This has got to be a publicity stunt, right? There’s just no way. Watch the below video and try not to vomit.

This guy stole the show:

Crazy ass white folks.
“Crazy ass white folks.”

Image via YouTube


    I’ve been able to stomach seeing some pretty gnarley shit in my life but when that old bitch went in for the kiss with open mouth from the get-go, I had to look away.

    10 years ago at 3:25 pm
  2. eoufratdaddy

    What does Drono and this guy have in common? They both like ’em in diapers.

    10 years ago at 3:46 pm
  3. CommodoreVU

    WTF? I was reading through some of the YouTube comments and apparently he gets them to do porn with them, too. Just when you thought this guy couldn’t get more sick…

    10 years ago at 3:50 pm