This Young Guy Who Sleeps With Great-Grandmothers Just Ruined My Friday

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After hitting play on the below video, it only took 17 seconds until my Friday was ruined. Just flat-out ruined. Hell, my entire weekend might be shot. When 31-year-old Kyle Jones starts tonguing down with this 91-year-old bag of bones, part of my soul died. This dude is nasty. Check out the grill on this old lady. Check out the whole 91-year-old package. She may have been attractive during the Civil War era, but she’s been rode hard and put up wet ever since.

I shouldn’t be picking on her, though. She’s just a nice great-grandmother who happens to be dating a freak of nature. It’s Kyle Jones who I have beef with. This has got to be a publicity stunt, right? There’s just no way. Watch the below video and try not to vomit.

This guy stole the show:

Crazy ass white folks.
“Crazy ass white folks.”

Image via YouTube