Thoughts on TFM’s 2 Year Anniversary

TotalFratMove turns two years old today. Funny, at this point it seems like the site has been around forever. Granted it probably feels that way because two years in Internet time equates to about 80 years in real time. Go back and watch the Paris Hilton sex tape from 2004. It’ll be like you’re watching an old timey silent film. Shitty night vision is the new sepia tone. Nowadays I can’t imagine a world without TFM, although that might be because I work for TFM. And actually I can imagine a world without TFM. It involves me living beneath a highway overpass, using a sharpened screwdriver to fight off bums who want to violently molest me while I try and shill dick jokes on the side of the road in exchange for food scraps. What I mean to say is I’d probably be living in Los Angeles.

But TFM has been around for two years and this anniversary has me thinking about what, if any, impact the site has had. There are the small but obvious things, like the proliferation of a certain urinary rectal fetish. One sexually demented user actually submitted a real live picture of him in the act of doing said fetish. It haunts my nightmares. There’s also the absurd Twitter culture that has popped up around the site. The TFM Twitter-sphere is a world littered with weird Internet flirting, psychotic ramblings, quips that make Holocaust jokes seem as innocuous as a bad pun, and daily death threats lobbed at the TFM staff. I love it. In fact I think it’s pretty safe to say that there is a legitimate TFM community. It’s a sick and twisted community, filled with vile perverts and shameless teases, but a community nonetheless. I love it too.

Outside of the Internet TFM has had an impact on Greek Life in general. I should note that neither this impact (whatever the size), nor any of the things I mentioned above (especially the butt pee picture) were product of any intentions. TFM was created solely to amuse people. I’ve said that before. But there has been an impact. Before I started working for TFM I spent my days in St. Louis being severely underpaid at a shitty marketing job. Because the job sucked and paid shit I wasted an inordinate amount of my time dicking around on the Internet. I loved TFM. I looked forward to every Fail Friday and thought that the “Pledge of Allegiance” was fucking hysterical. To me it was a funny website. Then fall came and I headed down to Columbia for tailgating and spending the weekend drinking until I forgot that I was supposed to be a contributing member of society. That’s when I noticed something. All the undergrads were dressed a little differently. Preppier. “Fratter.” It’s not that there weren’t Sperrys or Polo littered throughout Greek Life at Mizzou before TFM, they were of course. But things had been kicked up another level. It was honestly starting to look more and more like an SEC tailgate. This was in September. Mizzou wasn’t accepted into the SEC until November.

I talked to a few of the actives and they agreed that TFM was in part responsible for that trend as well as many others. What does that mean? I’m not really sure. We honestly don’t think about it too much. When you’re trying to poetically describe sex with a French chick being interrupted by a jealous ninja you have to stay focused. In an interview I did with Mizzou’s issue of The Odyssey (yeah that’s right, people interview me, I’M IMPORTANT) I said that if anything TFM has somewhat standardized Greek Life culture. In the past Greek Life was a very regionalized institution. It still is. The South is different from the Northeast is different from the West Coast and so on. But after TFM those aspects started to mix together. Greek trends moved faster. I can tell you that cooler painting was not a thing at Mizzou while I was there. It is now. I’m convinced that that’s the type of thing that happens because of TFM. I’m also sad that I don’t have a painted cooler. I’m so lonely (*looks at plain white cooler, cries*).

I don’t know what Greek Life was like before or after TFM at other schools, I can only really use Mizzou as a frame of reference. That said I think it’s a good frame of reference. Political, cultural, and economic analysts consider Missouri a bellwether state. Since 1904 Missouri has predicted the winner of the presidential election in all but two years (1956 and 2008). Columnist Chris Suellentrop had this to say about the bellwether status, he claimed that the state “isn’t so much a bellwether as it is a weathervane: It doesn’t swing the country, the country swings it…”I tend to agree with that, and I think that the whole effect is pretty cool. Why not import the awesome stuff other schools are doing to your own campus?

Granted not all the effects of TFM have been good. For instance people who have no idea what Greek Life is or what it’s about see the tongue-in-cheek humor and take it completely seriously. Some of these people are GDIs who hate Greeks. Others are pathetic try-hards. Most of them are high school kids. All of them are idiots. But you have to take the good with the bad I guess.

TFM has definitely changed things. Not intentionally, but there have been changes. Still at the end of the day we just want to make you laugh. It’s a pretty great job to have. If the rest of the staff and I have to endure fetish pornography and daily personal attacks to do it, fine by us. Thanks TFM for employing me. Thanks readers for making TFM an entity capable of employing people. So to TFM, Happy Birthday. To the readers thank you for your continued support of the site.

Look forward to a future full of dick jokes, pics of passed out girls crapping themselves, frat humor and so much more. TFM.

Follow me on Twitter @BaconTFM

  1. Southern boy

    As a member of another fraternity on my campus once said, “there is a difference between dressing like a tool and dressing like a Freshman.” TFM may have made it a bit harder to distinguish between these two groups because now all high school kids know what fraternity men dress like, and can come in prepared. Just means we have to work a little harder at rush to ensure we aren’t giving a bid to a total douche.

    It aso makes the try hard chapters more obvious, as they practically live their life aspiring to be like everything on TFM.

    12 years ago at 7:20 pm
    1. sperryville

      You can still tell who’s a freshman by who’s wearing the black nike socks with their sperrys.

      12 years ago at 7:31 pm
  2. Tallapoosa Snu

    This was an incredibly well written article, but it made me realize how much I care about a fuckin website and rely on it for laughs. Thats fucked up man. That makes me feel really pathetic. I think I’m gonna go outside now. I need to go to Yellowstone with a .22 and a knife and go all Henry David Thoreau on that shit. Fuckin internet. And guess how I express this sentiment? COMMENTING ON THE FUCKING ARTICLE ON THE INTERNET.

    12 years ago at 9:12 pm
  3. Jon M Fratsman

    It’s really an interesting commentary on the social nature of the Millennial generation that one website, devoted to satirical and comedic material, has managed to unify thousands if not tens of thousands of college students, postgrads, and, one can only suppose, high schoolers. Nobody would have ever seen this coming ten years ago, and it only serves to highlight that figuring out how to successfully monetize social media is going to be the next big thing. As for the TFM staff, however, I have to congratulate you gentlemen. I’m sure ya’ll probably never saw most of this coming either (Who COULD have predicted the Greek Twitter culture? Not this fucking guy). That said, and this is weird and a real mindfuck to think about, but what you’ve effectively done is given thousands of people who would have otherwise never had anything in common a tool with which to unite themselves, using the framework of humor. That’s impressive and definitely something to feel good about at the end of the day. Who would have ever guessed you could do all that by writing about dick jokes and butt pee? Well done, boys. Keep it up. TFM.

    12 years ago at 9:16 pm
    1. Fratulence Is Funny

      Who taught you how to write? Because they need to be kicked. Don’t be afraid of semicolons son; you look like a moron. Your try-hard diction isn’t hiding your stupidity either. Ass clown.

      12 years ago at 11:40 am
    2. anon7472974648

      ^ Hey, Arvind Mahankali- Don’t be afraid to use a comma after the word “semicolons.”

      12 years ago at 6:26 pm
    3. Jon M Fratsman

      ^^ Oh goodness. Where to start? First of all, “son”, you are unmistakably new here. It’s cool. I remember when I went around calling people on the Internet try-hards and NF, just for kicks. Secondly, I am not in fact “afraid of semicolons”, but I can assure you that you are most certainly afraid of commas, and in fact appear to be afraid of most proper grammar usage while pointing out the supposed grammatical flaws of others. Let’s begin with your second sentence, which is a fragment. Then we’ll proceed to the real gem of your attempt at grammatical correction, your actual mis-usage of the very semicolon you espouse, not to mention your strategic miss of the comma that JParks pointed out. That’s just impressive. As for my diction, well, I believe we’ve established that you may not be the best judge of that, nor of anything grammatically-related at all. In conclusion, I’m going to need you to take a step back and FUCK YOUR OWN FACE.

      12 years ago at 7:29 am
    4. VDBL Pa

      Fantastic commentary, Mr. Fratsman. “[W]hat you’ve effectively done is given thousands of people who would have otherwise never had anything in common a tool with which to unite themselves” – can’t help but think that is what our national organizations strive to do.

      Dare I ask, is TFM the ultimate inter-fraternity?

      12 years ago at 8:42 am
  4. TrickleDown

    I actually would not be surprised if this site had an impact on the political views of American college students. Don’t underestimate the power of group think. For a large group of previously apolitical kids who are otherwise frat, to see Democrat-bashing jokes daily has to have some impact.

    I mean, for the average fraternity man who was previously “moderate” aka didn’t know shit, they see that being liberal is the most NF thing one can do. It seems superficial but I think it’s true.

    12 years ago at 9:59 pm
    1. The Golden Fleece

      Agreed. Expect a huge surge in conservatism in America as these college students graduate and continue on with their young adult lives. Guarantee there will be some noticeable change thanks to TFM.

      12 years ago at 1:08 am
    2. Itsadeepburn

      ^^ He’s absolutely right. The change is very noticeable out here in California where it’s usually full of liberal fucks or kids who dont give a shit. My senior year I noticed alot more incoming freshman who identified themselves as conservative or Republican.

      12 years ago at 2:35 pm
    3. ItallcomesFraturally

      ^Agreed upon. Been a Libertarian since the get go, because I love America and so should you.


      12 years ago at 7:45 am
    4. TrickleDown

      Conservatism has become a fashion statement for the college student. With that said, a vote is a vote so no complaints.

      12 years ago at 1:32 pm
  5. TKEpledge

    I think its honestly had an impact on the nation-wide reputations of certain fraternities and how they are perceived.

    12 years ago at 10:32 pm
    1. ItallcomesFraturally

      ^^Furthermore, everyone also knew that Pike had a questionable reputation nation wide.

      12 years ago at 7:46 am
  6. PGBD

    I’m glad Bacon touched on this subject. I visited a fraternity at a school in Texas and heard “TFM, TFTC, or FaF” in about every sentence, as you can imagine it got old quick. I don’t know if it is like that at other schools, but it isn’t at mine (I go to school in the SEC). Dysfunctional consequences are inevitable with the sites growth and popularity. I guess my point is that the try-hards just need to calm the fuck down.

    12 years ago at 10:33 pm
    1. TrickleDown

      Late response but yeah, fuck that shit. Don’t say “TFM” in real life. It’s like YOLO for fraternities and it sucks outside an internet context. Calling something frat is fine but the “as fuck” part just makes you gay…as fuck.

      12 years ago at 10:36 pm
    1. Fraternity Lifestyle

      Juicy Campus and ACB were worse than Greek Rank. Thank goodness those sites are down.

      12 years ago at 11:58 pm
  7. Fraternity Lifestyle

    TFM has without a doubt changed Greek life. What is happening now is that fraternity life is becoming, dare I say, cookie cutter. It’s not all bad though. Fraternity life was going in a direction that gravitated towards hip hop music and “wig.ger” culture. TFM fixed that, or at the very least, stemmed that. The thing is, many people who would have been “fratty” without it don’t like admitting that they read TFM. People see it now as a guidebook for fraternity life. While some things are universal, such as the love for loose sorostitutes, drinking beer, and hazing pledges, other things have definitely been influenced by TFM. The best example I can think of right now is shorts above the knee. They were not desirable at all until the TFM culture came out as huge proponents. I won’t deny that TFM has influenced me in that manner. I’ve now come to see how good they look and I was surprised at how they feel. Greek life across all campuses around the nation has been influenced by TFM in one way or another. Whether it’s for the better or worse is different in everyone’s opinion.

    12 years ago at 12:28 am
    1. The Golden Fleece

      ^Seconded. Whether we all like to admit it or not, TFM has created a cultural change that we’ll all see not only among different chapters (whether they’re try hards or not) but well into our young adult lives. And honestly, the change from the wig.ger culture to the “fratty”, preppy culture, is much appreciated, and how it should be if you ask me.

      12 years ago at 1:12 am
    2. TrickleDown

      I would even argue that this site improved fraternity reputations in the long term. If TFM didn’t come around, and fraternity life continued to stray away from 80s-esque prep and towards frat rap/flat brim hats/hoodies etc, then we’d be known as white trash. I’d much rather have the reputation of rich snobs than poor snobs.

      12 years ago at 8:06 am
    3. truenorthfratdaddy

      All of the above are true. I go to school in New England and while my chapter when I joined it was already the most preppy/conservative/WASPy on campus, I have watched over the past couple of years as kids in my chapter and others have adopted the “TFM look.” Myself included, I too thanks to this website (and finally heeding my father’s advice) have gone to a smaller inseam on my shorts and will now never go back.

      12 years ago at 10:31 am