Threatening to become a Democrat if Dad doesn't fund your victory lap semester. TFM. Pistolpecs10 years ago
Memberofafraternity Sounds like your parents should’ve reconsidered not aborting you 10 years ago at 4:10 pm
BG_Frat_Daddy I bet your father wishes the sperm you came from ended up in literally any other hole in your mother 10 years ago at 6:57 am
Just shut up.
10 years ago at 4:35 pmI hope he does just to spite you you worthless piece of shit.
10 years ago at 4:43 pmActing like a 13 year old girl. So frat.
10 years ago at 5:47 pmIt sounds like you’re already a democrat.
10 years ago at 5:55 pmI bet your dad hates you.
10 years ago at 8:04 pmintern pretty sure this one was supposed to go to fail friday
10 years ago at 8:06 pmFrivelously spending money and then expecting more. TDemocratM.
10 years ago at 8:21 pmTBratM
10 years ago at 3:34 pmSounds like your parents should’ve reconsidered not aborting you
10 years ago at 4:10 pmI bet your father wishes the sperm you came from ended up in literally any other hole in your mother
10 years ago at 6:57 am