A Total Of SEVEN Photos Have Now Surfaced Of The Ball State “Tit Bandit”

Yesterday, I brought you the story of the Ball State mystery titties. In summation, there is an adequately breasted Ball State coed going around to fraternity houses, flashing her hams on their front lawns while concealing her identity, then taping photos of said hams on the front doors of those houses.

This was the only photo we had received at the time of publishing yesterday’s article:


The tipster who notified us of the mystery tits also informed us that the Delta Tau Delta house (pictured above) was not the only house to get mystery titted. After three more photos surfaced today, we can confirm the tipster gave us solid intel. We have also learned that “Mystery Tits” may actually go by a different moniker on the Ball State campus.

Will the “Tit Bandit” please come forward?

Email 1:

Picture of mystery tits, aka the “Tit Bandit” as she has been known to be called, in front of the SigEp House.

– Max


Notice the kissy lips on the top right. She knows what she’s doing.

Email 2:

This is an addition to the news article you posted earlier.

– Nick


And finally, this photo was submitted to the site without any explanation. We’re looking at the Tit Bandit up close and personal, although, in true Tit Bandit form, her identity still remains concealed. Unfortunately, yoga pants and those tall, brown boots do absolutely nothing in assisting the investigation. Every college girl in the U.S. has those.


By the way, we added the sailboats to the image on the left. I’ve seen Tit Bandit’s nips. Prettyyy…prettyyy…prettyyy good.

When and where will she strike next?

TUESDAY NIGHT UPDATE (8:15 p.m.): Another photo just came through. This time it’s the SAE house. Same girl, same tits.


WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Three more photos are revealed.

Email 1:

You might want to change the title to 5 pictures. We don’t even have a house, but the girl still made one for our satellite house two blocks away from greek row. She left us the picture on May 1st between 11:30 pm and 2 am. She took the picture and brought it back all in the same night too because we started keeping our screen door open that day. We wanted to see how tall she was, so we stood on the step and guessed her height. She is pretty tall about anywhere from 5’9″ to 6′. Pretty sure she is in a sorority. Enjoy the picture.

Nice detective work.


Email 2:

Photo removed at the request of emailer, who for some reason thinks a censored photo of a topless girl in front of their house could get them in trouble.

Email 3:


    1. PartyatPurdue

      Gotta give you props for 1) your username and 2) this picture is fucking hilarious.

      10 years ago at 9:56 pm
    2. FratShannon69

      Sorry for riding your top post Redcorn, but I have to get this off my chest. If you are in a Fraternity at Ball State and you have not stopped studying for finals to put on camo and try and catch this girl in the act…then I have lost hope for humanity.

      10 years ago at 2:18 am
  1. ForTheTroops

    Whoa now. I think maybe, 4 pictures down from the top, left side, right boob, maybe, we have half a nipple.

    10 years ago at 5:27 pm
  2. GoldenTicket

    See this is exactly what scout pledge is for. Sitting out front of your house for 3 days straight with a camera and radio.

    All Ball State houses should do this. You’ll catch’um.

    10 years ago at 6:33 pm
    1. USArmy

      Not a bad idea, but it’s not pledge season. A good trail cam would be a hell of a lot better.

      10 years ago at 10:41 pm