Three Sigma Chis From JMU Recorded Sexual Assault In PCB, Punishment From School Is Pathetic

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This will be a tough one to stomach if you’re a JMU Duke, or if you’re simply a sane person who believes in justified punishment.

Sarah Butters, a student at James Madison University, visited Panama City Beach with friends in 2013 for spring break. It was a typical college beach trip up until the night of March 3, when Butters, along with a group of friends, went back to a condo for some late night drinking. Butters blacked out at some point in the night and wasn’t able to recall how the remainder of the evening turned out the following morning.

She heard rumors that she was the subject of some inappropriate behavior, but she didn’t want to believe them. She cited her friendship with the alleged perpetrators as the reason. It wasn’t until she returned to campus in Harrisonburg that the rumors turned to reality, and that reality was horrifying.

Images and a video of the incident had surfaced, showing a topless Butters on a bathroom floor, surrounded by three JMU Sigma Chi brothers–identified as Mike Lunney, Jay Dertzbaugh, and Nick Scallion–who were laughing and groping her lifeless body.

After discussing the incident–a clear sexual assault case–with her father, a cop, she decided not to notify the PCB police. Instead, they turned over the video to school officials, who handled the situation absolutely pathetically. The punishment? The three JMU students were handed expulsions AFTER graduation. After. Graduation. They essentially told them to finish school, then, just, you know, don’t come back. Embarrassing.

From WHSV:

An e-mail from JMU’s Office of Judicial Affairs titled “Final Decision in your Case” reads that all three students, Mike Lunney, Jay Dertzbaugh and Nick Scallion were responsible for sexual assault and harassment. It went on to say that the three would be expelled upon graduation, meaning they may not be on JMU’s campus for any reason after graduation. They would also not be allowed to walk at graduation.

Oh, but it’s cool because they also aren’t allowed to “walk” at graduation, which I’m sure was devastating news for these guys to hear they weren’t allowed to sit through a thrilling, three-hour ceremony and speech before receiving a piece of paper.

I know where I went to school, and I think it’s pretty standard across the board, that we were told we’d be immediately expelled for cheating on an exam. CHEATING ON AN EXAM–something that, hell, we all did.

Lace ’em up, JMU.

UPDATE: We have learned that the three guys are no longer members of Sigma Chi after getting kicked out.

[via WHSV]

    1. gamefrock

      Hey KappaD wanna come to our next Sigma Chi Formal in florida and take some shots with us in the bathroom?

      10 years ago at 2:29 pm
  1. CocoaButta

    These are the types of assholes that get chapters removed. I hope they’re expelled from Sigma Chi.

    10 years ago at 4:18 pm
    1. spe70three

      They WEREN’T expelled. One of them lived in the house all last year and all 3 of them showed up to EVERY party they had. Hell, one of them was their social chair.

      10 years ago at 7:44 am
      1. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

        That’s ignorant as fuck to judge an entire fraternity based on three pieces of shit, especially since they WERE kicked out of sig chi

        10 years ago at 8:42 am
      2. Stetson_and_Spurs

        Look who’s talking. At least they have a real house and a pledge program, tryhard.

        10 years ago at 5:15 pm
  2. hmfoxyboxy

    I just wanted to say that I got on here expecting to be the comments to be much, much worse than they were. Other than the shitstain at the bottom, you gentlemen are incredibly impressive and make me proud to be Greek. Ya’ll are what’s right with the fraternity community.

    10 years ago at 4:43 pm
    1. StudlyAtEverything

      Dorn, ball this fuck. But first, release any personal info you have on him so we haze the fuck out of him on a more personal level.

      10 years ago at 8:25 am
  3. sweetVA

    As a sorority woman at JMU, I think I can speak for most people when I say that Sarah Butters has the support of the Panhellenic community and that what JMU decided is embarrassing and despicable.

    10 years ago at 4:47 pm
    1. spe70three

      yeah but they actually weren’t. Apparently they showed up to every party and were still pictured on the composite. Is that being kicked out? or did I not get the memo?

      10 years ago at 7:52 am