Thrillist Releases State Rankings For Craft Breweries

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Sorry, guys and gals. If you were looking for a list that bases its rankings on Budweiser, Coors, or Miller, this probably isn’t the list for you. The people over at Thrillist came up with a pretty good list, which ranks the best states for craft beers across the country.

50. Mississippi
49. West Virginia
48. Rhode Island
47. North Dakota
46. Nevada
45. South Dakota
44. Nebraska
43. Hawaii
42. New Jersey
41. New Hampshire
40. Wyoming
39. Connecticut
38. Arkansas
37. South Carolina
36. Kansas
35. Arizona
34. Iowa
33. Tennessee
32. Kentucky
31. Georgia
30. New Mexico
29. Idaho
28. Virginia
27. Louisiana
26. Oklahoma
25. Alaska
24. Maryland
23. Montana
22. Alabama
21. Utah
20. Texas
19. Delaware
18. Indiana
17. Florida
16. Minnesota
15. North Carolina
14. Maine
13. Illinois
12. Ohio
11. Missouri
10. Massachusetts
9. New York
8. Pennsylvania
7. Wisconsin
6. Vermont
5. Washington
4. Michigan
3. Colorado
2. California
1. Oregon

Most of the list makes sense. Mississippi coming in last is realistic because craft breweries have only recently become a thing there, and states like Oregon and Colorado rank toward the top because you can’t listen to a beer snob talk without hearing about those two states. The big surprise to me is Delaware–which I forget is an actual state most of the time–ranking right ahead of Texas. For a state with its own “national beer” in Lone Star, which is terrible, it’s pretty surprising that a state such as Delaware, which really only has one big brewery (Dogfish Head) beats out Texas on this list. But I guess it’s like the old saying goes, “the only things that come from Texas are steers and shitty beers,” so it does make some sense.

Check out the rest of the list and the reasoning behind it here.

h/t Z.K.

[via Thrillist]

  1. stonewalllee

    Georgia’s micro-brew scene(Athens, Atlanta, Statesboro, etc.) is a lot better than this liberal, hippie’s list reflects.

    10 years ago at 9:06 pm
  2. TossMeABronson

    Dogfish head is fucking amazing. For only having one brewery, Delaware is doing it right. Lone Star on the other hand tastes like Off mosquito spray for about the 1st 7 or 8. There are many breweries that make much better beer here than Lone Star or Shiner.

    10 years ago at 10:08 pm
  3. FUBAR1776

    Durant the shit I am currently taking has more talent and promise then you ever will.

    10 years ago at 10:11 pm
  4. ITB_since_1890

    Having lived in all four corners of this fine country, including OR and CA, if you want to discount OR as the #1 spot you need to check yourself before suggesting TX, NC, etc. trump OR beers.

    10 years ago at 10:38 pm
  5. Greg Maddux

    Just checked to make sure I didn’t accidentally type “” into my browser.

    10 years ago at 11:48 pm
  6. YouEnjoyMyFrat

    No shit Delaware is ahead of Texas. Dogfish Head > anything that comes out of Texas. Awesome list though. Oregon definitely deserves to be number 1.

    10 years ago at 8:43 am