Throwback Thursday: American Strength at World Series Post-9/11

This Sunday will mark ten years since the infamous attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. It was a tragic moment in history that rocked our country to the core and will never be forgotten. As Americans, we pulled together in search for the strength to carry on, and we desperately needed a leader to make us believe we would prevail. Somewhat ironically, just weeks after 9/11 the New York Yankees were in the World Series, and President George W. Bush went to Yankee Stadium to remind us, as Americans, that no matter what happens we always stand strong.

It was one of many moments after 9/11 that ensured I would never doubt our country’s ability to recover. I still remember watching this game and seeing W out there on the mound giving the thumbs-up. In a way it was like he was looking every terrorist straight in the eye and saying, “We’re still here you cock sucker.”

All personal ideals and political stances aside, you have to respect the man for the poise he showed that night. That kind of mound presence can’t be taught; you have to be born with it. There are professional pitchers who buckle under the pressure of a bases loaded full count. Imagine the kind of stones it takes to go out there with a bulletproof vest strapped to your chest under a giant Yankees jacket and deliver a strike. Consider the fact that he was warming his arm up on the way off the chopper, had just finished shooting the shit with The Captain himself, and had the weight of an entire country on his shoulders after one of the worst incidents in American history. Giant. Fucking. Stones. That’s what America is all about.

“No matter what the threat may be to us the United States of America will stand strong and will never be intimidated.”

    1. True_Gentleman27

      If the comment I posted before this gets deleted I’m gonna be pissed…fucking “awaiting moderation”

      13 years ago at 2:53 pm
  1. F Scott Fratsgerald

    I’m not a huge Bush fan but you have to admire someone who has the mental tenacity to do that. Anything related to 9/11 will always send chills down my spine and if you aren’t in any way moved by the tragedy we suffered 10 years ago then I feel you have no right to live in this great country. “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up”

    13 years ago at 12:26 pm
    1. fratstar_runner

      While I applaud your name (Gatsby was capitalism personified), I have to say: Bush brought us safely and successfully through the clusterfuck of an aftermath brought on by 9/11: If you’re not a Bush fan simply because of that, i’m not sure what can make you a Bush fan.

      13 years ago at 12:36 pm
    2. Broseph Heller

      Bush invaded Iraq on uncertain intelligence, leading to the deaths of over 4000 Americans. That’s reason enough for me not to like him. That being said, it took stones the size of watermelons to lead the country through 9/11. And then to walk out in the middle of Yankee Stadium like that… I don’t respect his decisions, but I respect the hell out of him as a person.

      13 years ago at 5:49 pm
  2. EQK

    Remember the Pentagon attack and the crash in Pennsylvania as well as the tragedy in New York.

    13 years ago at 12:44 pm
  3. Brolysses S Grant

    The exchange between Derek Jeter and George Bush is classic. That story is going to be told for decades. Ken Burns literally cried and masturbated as soon as he heard it.

    13 years ago at 12:51 pm
  4. Airlinepilot

    Never forget the flight crews, passengers, and the many Americans in NYC/DC. 9/11.

    and the motherfucking DIAMONDBACKS winning the series.

    13 years ago at 1:50 pm
    1. Airlinepilot

      I believe everyone that crashed in PA would be classified under passengers and flight crew.

      So please take a fucking lap.

      13 years ago at 5:42 pm
    2. WWW1858

      Read your original comment again jackass. “Americans in NYC/DC. 9/11.” So I guess that specifies PA. You are fucking stupid. So you are a Diamondbacks fan and not from Arizona? You are fucking pathetic.

      13 years ago at 11:20 pm
    3. Airlinepilot

      This ends right here.. Seriously, read my original comment. It clearly says, before what you just quoted, “Never forget the flight crews, passengers,…” That right there was meant to include all people in Flight 93. No one else died in Shanksville except people on the flight. So really, how uneducated can you be?
      Nothing about what I said about the series implies I like the Diamondbacks. I, like many here, HATE THE YANKEES.

      13 years ago at 7:33 am
    4. WWW1858

      No how about you learn to make a clear concise point. Again you are wrong because in fact if you stood for the shit your preach you would love them buying the best, 27 rings, most money, etc. So shut the fuck up dip shit.

      13 years ago at 5:28 pm
  5. USMC_fratstar

    To the Iraqis a thumbs up sign is equivalent to flicking them off in their culture. And W sure as hell gave a big ass thumbs up before he threw that pitch. Semper Fi.

    13 years ago at 5:57 pm