Throwback Thursday: Buzz Aldrin Delivers a Haymaker

I imagine it’s incredibly frustrating to walk on the moon and return home to a bunch of conspiracy theorist losers questioning whether or not your greatest accomplishment, and one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of mankind, even took place. Alas, one of the pains that comes with freedom: In America, fat dudes rocking the Jerry Seinfeld (white tennis shoes, jeans, t-shirt and jacket) can approach you on the street and call you “a coward, and a liar, and a thief.” It’s up to you to determine an appropriate response.

“Do you think you can get to heaven without repenting? Why don’t you swear on the bible that you walked on the moon?”

What is this guy, five years old? Swear on the bible you walked on the moon? Douche.

I think I speak for all real Americans in saying Buzz Aldrin handled this situation as well as anyone could have. He tried to walk away and give this Bart Sibrel character a chance to escape unscathed, but the fat geed repeatedly insisted Mr. Aldrin’s fist go on a date with his saggy face. So, Buzz did his duty as an American moonwalking badass, and delivered a 72-year-old right hand of justice right to his kisser.

Rewind the video to just before Buzz does the one-man fisticuffs dance and check out the reaction of Buzz’s lady friend in yellow. As the portly interviewer launches his verbal assault, she gets this look on her face like, “Uh oh, now you fucked up.” Then she ceases to restrain Mr. Aldrin and walks away. Priceless.

  1. Taaka

    Good thing Seinfeld was wearing his grandpa shoes and Wal-mart pants or I may not have been able to take him seriously

    13 years ago at 1:58 pm
    1. shooter 1855

      dont go to his site and up his page views just haze him for his stupidity via the email address

      13 years ago at 11:12 am
  2. Mr Rager

    Buzz Aldrin, an American hero, a national treasure, and a hell of a right hook. TFM/TAmericanM

    13 years ago at 2:49 pm
    1. Fratvalanche

      I rank it first ahead of Nolan, Epic Beard Man’s hit on that nig on the bus and of course Bob Barkers hit on Happy Gilmore

      13 years ago at 7:51 pm
  3. PhiHard

    He handled that situation beautifully. That’s the best right hook from an aged gentleman I have ever seen. Haha right in that geeds jaw.

    13 years ago at 7:32 pm
  4. ReaganIsFaF

    The only way that video could get any better would be if that fucking reporter was British. In spite of that, that left-wing conspiracy theorist piece of shit got what was coming to him: a haymaker right in the mouth from a true American.

    13 years ago at 9:07 pm