Throwback Thursday: The Greatest Save in Baseball History

“It was the greatest heroic act that’s ever happened on a baseball field.”

Today we look back at the greatest play in the history of our national pastime, which took place 35 years ago this past Monday, April 25, 1976. Rick Monday was playing center field for the Chicago Cubs, when he noticed two unkempt hippies kneeling in left-center, attempting to burn The American flag. Monday, being a veteran of the Marine Corps Reserves and adamant patriot, was not about to stand idly by and watch these protestors desecrate Old Glory. He dashed toward them and scooped up the flag, saving it from flames. Only one thing could have made this an even more timeless TFM: if he’d looped around and delivered a patriotic double clothesline to those disrespectful clowns.

The flag was displayed in Monday’s Vero Beach home until a hurricane threatened its safety, and it was moved to a safety deposit box. Monday hasn’t given a specific value for the flag, but said, “you’d have to add a lot of zeros. People have offered an outrageous amount of money for it- not that it’s for sale.” Rick Monday, American hero, FaF.

  1. Tallapoosa Snu

    Thats what I call a true American… and hippies lose again… I wonder if they ever get tired of sucking?

    13 years ago at 8:54 pm
  2. Frature Sucess Story

    That man is true patriot and the best Cubbie of all time. This makes me even more proud to be a Northsider

    13 years ago at 9:22 pm
    1. immafratman

      Is there a way that the intern can remove this post? I’m all for freedom of speech and I’m not a fan of the Cubs in the least, but damn it this is a video of a man saving Old Glory from being burned by a couple of hippies. FAF

      13 years ago at 10:13 pm
    2. Sperry Seinfeld

      You think saving an American flag from being lit on fire by 2 anti-American pieces of shit during a Major League Baseball game is NF?

      13 years ago at 12:40 am

      Clearly your in college and you clearly can read it doesn’t say fuck The U.S.A flag it says fuck the CUBS. A CUBS player could be saying a baby and Id still say fuck the CUBS ,doesn’t matter. What is NF is the CUBS player not the flag.

      13 years ago at 9:39 am
    4. older row

      the only thing NF here is you, this is worse than the fucktards who say “(insert bottom tier fraternity here) NF” on a picture of a brother in the military or doing something equally awesome. fuck off.

      13 years ago at 10:26 am
    5. TeethandAmbition

      Typical sox fan, lacking any ounce of class and gdi and fuck, so obsessed with hating on the cubs that he becomes enraged by anyone looking to have a good day supporting their favorite team play the american past time

      13 years ago at 6:56 pm
  3. Hazing since 1789

    The crowd singing “God Bless America” after he grabbed the flag. I began to tear up when he said that. Damn I love America.

    13 years ago at 10:50 pm
  4. 214 Westwood

    How did those geed yanks think they could get away with desecrating Old Glory back in the Good Ole Days?!?

    I mean, now-a-days it’s common, just look, democrats and terrorist just walk around like they own the place. Long Lived The Old USA!!!

    13 years ago at 11:48 pm