Toddler Squeezes Through Fence, Causes White House Lockdown

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At 8:10 on Thursday night, The White House went on lockdown just minutes before President Obama was to address the nation on Iraq. The reason? An incoherent, non-English speaking male was spotted stumbling around the White House lawn.

Oh, and he happened to be a toddler.

Tourists and journalists noticed Secret Serviceman and officers racing around the grounds in an effort to secure the location. It turns out, the young child had squeezed through the fence’s bars and wandered onto the lawn in what has to be a terrifying and embarrassing moment for his parents.

But he inconvenienced Barry O, so it’s funny to the rest of us.

From ABC News:

“We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him,” U.S. Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan said of the infant trespasser. “But in lieu of that he got a timeout and was sent on his way with his parents.”

[via ABC News]
Image via Instagram

  1. CheersToTheWeekend

    Bush would have gone out, picked him up and handed him to his parents. Obama hides in his office.

    10 years ago at 2:06 am