Tom Brady Shared His 1999 Résumé With The World, It’s Everything You Want It To Be

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Before winning two NFL MVP awards, before marrying one of the hottest women on the planet, before winning three Super Bowl rings, and before he was drafted in the 6th round of the 2000 NFL Draft, Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr. was simply just Tom from San Mateo, California.

Alright, he was the starting quarterback of the Michigan Wolverines, and was an All-Big Ten honorable mention, but Tom was so much more than you would think a starting quarterback at a powerhouse (at the time) program would need to be.

Today, Brady did some house-cleaning, most likely at Gisele’s request, and found this fantastic piece of paper.

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Yes, this is Tom’s résumé pre-NFL draft. Funny how a decade later, all this piece of paper needs to say is “Tom Fucking Brady.”

So let’s break it down, shall we?

Bachelor’s in General Studies, because athlete.

He worked polo fields, golf courses, and at Merrill Lynch: talk about the entitled country club living hat-trick.

That summer in ’97 of construction must have kept him level headed, though, and gave him the grit needed to play the quarterback position in the NFL.

Finally, throwing in that he was a member of the 1997 National Championship team where he backed up Brian Griese is a complete power move.

From the looks of it, if Tom couldn’t cut it in the pros, he had upper middle class written all over him. A six figure banking job, maybe a timeshare in Napa, and a solid 8 looped around his arm. Would have been a rough life.

Thankfully for Tom, Drew Bledsoe got injured, and the rest is history.

[via Facebook]

  1. DarkoM

    Fake major, poor grammar, no-show jobs & a 1/4 of the page is what he did on the football team. Thank God for the NFL or this guy would be selling insurance or used cars

    10 years ago at 3:04 pm
  2. Fine Ants

    He was working at Merrill doing PWM… Cold calling your 5th grade teacher to push money management ain’t exactly banking, plebs

    10 years ago at 6:48 pm
    1. Greenwich CT

      The only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway

      10 years ago at 8:18 pm