Top 5 Romney Memes

View all of them here.

    1. Chuds

      ^Congrats, now the next step is to go back in time and convince your mother to have an abortion. Also this was a useless column.

      12 years ago at 1:08 pm
    2. Fratchelor Pad

      Ragemania your name and your post are gayer then two homos sword fighting with glittered dongs.

      12 years ago at 1:09 pm
    1. ThinkThereforeFRAT

      The one about surfing was the best one! Can’t believe they didn’t include it on the “top 5.”

      Make sure you click to see the rest.

      12 years ago at 5:48 pm
    1. Diplofrat USA

      Ron Paul will be frat if he endorses Romney after Tampa. It will also be frat of you all to not waste your fucking votes by writing his name in, as so many of his hipster fans have pledged.

      12 years ago at 9:22 pm
    2. Sigma AIpha Boner

      Also, Obama says, “You didn’t write this comment. Somebody else did that.”

      12 years ago at 10:15 pm
    3. TheFrattersonEpisode

      ^^ You are a fucking idiot. Romney is a Mormon, does not drink, has never served in the military or ever lived in the South. Judging by the definitions of “frat” so heralded on this site, Mitt Romney has only two things going for him: he’s rich as fuck and has a pee-worthy wife. As for Ron Paul, he is far from poor himself, he served in the Air Force, is a Southern Baptist, attended a college in the South, actually lives in the South, and was actually in a fraternity. His “hipster” support comes from opposing overseas wars and the drug war, both of which are fucking our economy. Look at history, major powers who fought damaging foreign wars have collapsed (Rome, the Soviet Union). He knows this. Ron Paul gives no fucks about what you do, what other countries do, or what you think. He only cares about America, and that seems pretty frat to me.

      Oh yea, he also used to get paid to look at vaginas all day.

      12 years ago at 10:20 pm
    4. Diplofrat USA

      Head to the nearest anti-war rally with your hippie friends then. Ron Paul isn’t a terrible guy, you’re right about his personal life being good. But his proposed foreign policy (or lack thereof) is shit. If you think that kind of isolationist attitude is acceptable, I suggest you study geostrategy a little harder. I’m a Republican, the vast majority of Paul’s supporters are independent or libertarian. Why are we having this discussion still? He’s never going to be president so drop it. A write-in for Paul will be a vote for Obama in November.

      12 years ago at 11:57 pm
    5. WhiskeyAndBeer

      ^ your argument makes little to no point. Romney is almost a Republican version of Obama. I can guarantee you that little, if any, progress will be made in Romney is elected. Ron Paul legitimately cares about his country and puts it way ahead of himself. He respects you and believes you should do what you please and be responsible for you own actions.

      12 years ago at 12:29 am
    6. Diplofrat USA

      The main take-away from that should’ve been that Ron Paul’s foreign policy is bullshit.

      12 years ago at 1:00 am
    7. WhiskeyAndBeer

      You’re right, let’s just keep spending trillions of dollars we don’t have on unnecessary wars and financial aid to every country out there.

      12 years ago at 8:49 am
    8. Old_Fashioned

      Diplofrat is not making a very compelling case, but he does have one very good point. As Ron Paul is not going to be winning this election, a write-in vote for him is a vote for Obama. Don’t give a vote to Obama.

      To the guy who said Romney is a republican version of Obama; please stop talking until it’s time to discuss which girls butt you want to pee in.

      12 years ago at 9:26 am
    9. Diplofrat USA

      I don’t feel the need to make a “compelling” case. None of us come on TFM to get in to serious political debates, this is a humor website. If I want to drop a one-liner about how Ron Paul supporters are uneducated hipsters, then I should be able to do so without getting sucked in to a foreign policy discussion. That being said, if you want some of the more obvious and simplistic reasons of why Ron Paul sucks on foreign policy, here:
      -He says he wouldn’t have ordered the raid to kill Bin Laden
      -An immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan would put us at a geostrategic disadvantage in the region
      -He would stop drone strikes which have been pretty effective. Speaking of which, I think its a puss move to say we can’t kill Al-Awlaki. Fuck what his passport says, working for al Qaeda overseas puts you in to the paradigm of military law.
      -Stating that it’s not a big deal if Iran acquires nuclear weapons is reckless. And don’t give me the Waltz article, I’ve already fucking read it.

      12 years ago at 10:27 am
    10. Diplofrat USA

      Oh, and one last thing. I just wanted to say that I dislike Obama here just as much as the next guy, but understand that he hasn’t been terrible on foreign policy. For the most part, it’s been a continuation of the Bush Doctrine, which is FaF.

      12 years ago at 10:31 am
    11. Sigma AIpha Boner

      Whether or not we agree about Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, or foreign policy, we can all agree that Obama is a fuck stick. Fuck that guy. Really though, he sucks.

      12 years ago at 10:40 am
    12. brophecy foretold

      By the way, There is no such thing as “the Bush Doctrine”. The fact that you used that term proves you’re an idiot. That term was actually made up by leftist media. Do yourselves a favor and read up on things before you go blabbing some stupid misinformed opinion.

      12 years ago at 11:32 am
    13. yourfavgeed

      I’m sick of dat dadgum liberal maydia tellin’ me how ter thank n feel! Referrin’ ta what even George Dubya Bush (and that W stands for genius) refers to in his book as “what would later be known as the Bush Doctrine” (oh, and every single President’s foreign policy since Truman has been called “the ___ Doctrine”), well, dat’s just wronger than a squirrel puttin on a baseball helmet and takin’ battin’ practice with those shifty little eyes of his, just another example of ACORN run amok is what it is.

      12 years ago at 11:41 am
    14. brophecy foretold

      “Look at me, Im a smart ass homo leftist who thinks I’m clever by exagerating a southern accent to imitate someone who isn’t even southern. Im so clever and smart, I think i’ll make up facts too so I seem even more smart because no one will call me out on them.”^^ That’s you buddy..That’s you

      12 years ago at 12:56 pm
    15. Diplofrat USA

      You didn’t even critique a single point I made. You only nitpicked the Bush Doctrine statement and a troll had to correct you. And stop trying to sound cool by throwing out “leftist” as an insult. Truth is, being libertarian is like saying “I wanna be right wing, but I wanna be a liberal fuck too”. Have fun at your shitty school.

      12 years ago at 6:14 pm
    16. JeopardyPledge

      ^^ In general political ideology there is not only a left and a right, but an up and a down.

      Please take five minutes of your time and look at this. Your strange and considerably weak attempt at insulting vernacular in regards to Libertarians has angered me.

      12 years ago at 12:45 am
    17. Diplofrat USA

      Seen it many times. Consider the fact that a large chunk of “American Liberalism” has to do with the downward movement on the compass and that pisses me off.

      12 years ago at 12:13 pm
    1. Sigma AIpha Boner

      If you don’t vote for Obama, you’re a racist. That’s why I’m not voting for Obama.

      12 years ago at 10:13 pm
    2. There are liberals in fraternity, you ignorant fucks. Get out of your sister’s asshole once in a while

      12 years ago at 10:35 pm
    3. KKP1855

      ^ why don’t you get out of your fraternity, then? I’m sure they don’t want you. our chapter has an unwritten no liberals rush policy

      12 years ago at 2:35 pm
  1. srattinAXO

    while i find this funny, i think that it could be a bit detrimental. from what i’ve gathered from being on this site for the past two-ish years, most of the users and columnists lean to the right. i think that TFM has a unique opportunity to appeal to the 18-24 bracket of voters that usually stay home in november. you guys should be using your influence to encourage people to go out and vote (for romney) and while i find this funny and obviously you guys are being satirical, i think you’d be better suited to use your influence in a more positive way.

    12 years ago at 1:34 pm
    1. YourButt_MyPee

      Prime example of why both the 19th, and just for good measure, the 13th amendments need to be repealed.

      12 years ago at 1:56 pm
    2. srattinAXO

      thank you. as for the rest of you douche bags, i was expecting those kinds of comments, but you know i’m right so why dont you go do something useful and get obama out of office so that i CAN go back to the kitchen and not have to work anymore. thanks.

      12 years ago at 2:12 pm
    3. GotEm

      amendments that need to be repealed:
      3, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19. 3 just because it’s a legacy amendment and no one cares about it. this rant is most attention it has gotten since it was adopted.

      12 years ago at 2:29 pm
    4. PIKEpledge

      Yeah she’s right considering these “Memes” are what Obama is running his negative ads about.

      12 years ago at 4:03 pm
    5. BamaForRomney

      Memes are fucking stupid. When political, they’re just the bumper stickers of the internet. And the phrase goes something like, “If you can fit your political views on a bumper sticker, you should stay away from the polls.” I see both the Obama campaign and the RNC post memes on Facebook. (They’re shared and show up on my timeline, tryhards). Anyways, sugar tits is right. People need education from both sides. Of course the right is right, but the kids who vote that way just because of TFM should understand their views. #TeamHawtpiece #Romney2012 #RonPaul2012though

      12 years ago at 4:16 pm
    6. Joseph Kony

      Good to see I still have some support out there. Back in March things were looking strong, but times have gotten rough.

      12 years ago at 7:46 am
    1. Bronan the Barbarian

      No thanks, we have our share of batshit insane in congress.

      Seriously, one day with that fucker off his meds and we’ll be starting a nuclear war with mars.

      12 years ago at 2:33 pm
    2. Bronan the Barbarian

      You ever try to fight a planet? They take a hit pretty well, I’m told.

      12 years ago at 5:23 pm
    1. Joran van der Frat

      Yeah Mitt Romney is a fucking idiot who graduated near the top of his class at BYU, finished Harvard Business/Law simultaneously with cum laude honors, founded a PE firm now worth $66 billion, and amassed a personal fortune of $250 million. What a dunce.

      12 years ago at 3:37 pm
    2. Frat Seizure_1890

      You’d think with all that he would have learned how not to contradict the shit out of himself all the time. But no.

      12 years ago at 5:13 pm
    3. Vandal

      dont you watch south park? the greatest thing about america is that we are free to contradict ourselves. we can be for the war AND against the war. it gives us the freedom to FUCK SHIT UP while simultaneously being a moral beacon of hope to the world.

      a vote for romney is a vote for AMERICA

      12 years ago at 6:37 pm
    4. Yosemite

      ^Not the way I would have said it. But at least you tried. Carry on, just not too much.

      12 years ago at 8:49 pm