Total Frat Move Bingo

Just when you thought the TFM Wall, pictures, and columns couldn’t possibly become anymore entertaining, here comes mother fucking TFM Bingo. In case you haven’t noticed, there are a few common themes that manage to come up in the “Comments” section of every post, regardless of what the actual content is. All you have to do is print out this handy TFM Bingo card (not your grandmother’s game of Bingo, I assure you) and scour the comments to fill your board. First person with a complete card gets absolutely nothing.

Click here for the full size photo.

  1. BrotherOmicron

    Lol! He’s referencing me on one of the pieces. I’m gonna kick things into high gear

    13 years ago at 1:55 pm
    1. SheepGoToHeaven

      Really? Which one? That’s Awesome Bro! Can’t wait to see you kick things into high gear. Glad to see TFM members shifting back to the good ol’ days.

      13 years ago at 5:40 pm
  2. Diamond Srat

    Now you should make a TSM version with “omg sooo true!”, “daddyslittle__”, and anything ending in “, sweetie” that’s really meant to be an insult.

    13 years ago at 6:33 pm
    1. J Fratpont Morgan

      The TSM version would just be one square that says, “Makes you want to tear your eyeballs out for having read it.”

      13 years ago at 6:56 pm
    2. Diamond Srat

      Oh, and one that says “How the fuck did I get on the TSM wall”. ^Thanks for reminding me.

      13 years ago at 7:02 pm
    3. fratastic1855

      Really? I would’ve imagined a tsm version of this could be found in any cook book.

      13 years ago at 4:50 am
    4. Xi_love_and_mine

      ^^Also there would have to be spaces that said “You got this from pinterest” and “Bless your heart”.

      13 years ago at 12:07 pm
  3. CrimsonTKE

    To all of you try-hard assholes out there saying TKE is the bottom of frat life, there’s a reason “Pike Sucks Comment” is a square on here and nothing about Tke is. We’re going nowhere but up up up. Quit hating on our frat, and realize that your chapter probably sucks. Then, and only then, can we possibly hold an intelligent conversation.

    13 years ago at 2:44 am
    1. Fraterick Southgate

      I thought it was pretty universally understood that TKE definitely sucks more than Pike now, and everyone was just being kind and giving you a “Silent Hour” to mourn the loss of any small respect you once had. Don’t worry, before long you’ll be getting the official Geed Torch and receive the shit you deserve.

      And its fraternity, dipshit.

      13 years ago at 2:49 am
    2. Esponda

      You seem really excited that your organization has improved from the worst to the second worst.

      13 years ago at 2:56 pm
    3. Fratley Moneysworth

      ^^^^^The website isn’t called Total Fraternity Move, so shut your damn mouth, pledge.

      13 years ago at 5:20 pm
  4. Jacque Minot

    free space: irrationally angry reactions to The Chilis Guy instead of just ignoring the trolling GDI.

    13 years ago at 6:35 pm