Tracy Morgan Is A Gift From God
30 Rock is being taken off of Netflix soon, and why we haven’t started rioting in the streets about that fact is beyond me. Anyone with half a brain knows that show is one of the funniest things to ever grace our TV screens. I vote that we start tipping cars over and lighting buildings on fire until those corporate suits change their minds, but that’s just me. Whatever, thats a different conversation.
If I were to give all the reasons why that show is comedic gold, the list would be endless. But one of the main ingredients is obviously Tracy Morgan. Playing a fictionalized version of himself, he delivers his very Tracy-esque lines in a way that only he can. We don’t have time to go through all the best Tracy Jordan quotes, so if I had to choose just one to give you an idea of his mastery? It’d be, “A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy’s.” I feel like that line is even better out of context.
Tracy is one of those rare comedic actors who’s just effortlessly funny. Everything about him is hilarious. He could read a phonebook and have me in stitches. He reminds me of Redd Foxx in that regard, which is pretty ironic seeing as Tracy is currently slated to play Redd in an upcoming Richard Pryor biopic (which I can only assume will be titled Mountains Of Cocaine, Pt. 1). His goofy voice alone can elicit joy; it’s why everyone and their grandma does an obnoxious impression of him.
Tracy also has the rare ability to star in a forgettable movie and make it better than it should be. He can take what was a mediocre script and lift it to greatness just due to his delivery and inherent charisma. Kevin Smith’s 2010 buddy cop flick Cop Out was crucified by critics, but Tracy alone made the movie hilarious by… just being Tracy. Little Man was a dumpster fire, but whenever Tracy was on screen it was comedic gold for a few minutes.
As you may remember, we almost lost Tracy a few years ago. After a devastating traffic collision in which his tour van got hit by a Walmart truck, Morgan was in rehab for months dealing with multiple broken bones and a traumatic brain injury. Doctors didn’t even think he would live, much less make a full recovery. In his new Netflix special, Staying Alive, most of his standup routine revolves around his time in recovery and his gratefulness that his dick was left uninjured. The special? It’s funny as hell. Vintage Tracy. If you haven’t seen it, you need to get your life together. You don’t have an hour to watch Tracy, but you have time to watch all of Breaking Bad for the 7th time?! Go fuck yourself.
I saw Tracy perform stand-up live a few years ago when his tour came to my town and I laughed until I couldn’t breathe. In one of his bits, he found an excuse to show his ass crack because of course he did.
Tracy Morgan is a gift from god, sent to make us laugh and get us pregnant. Respect..
Image via Shutterstock
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7 years ago at 3:27 pmNO Dot-Com! I said, “Give to charity? Please, no. PRESENTS!”
7 years ago at 5:52 pmAnd you’re a curse
7 years ago at 9:39 am