russian bear soccer game

Trained Circus Bear Does Bizarre Pre-Game Ritual At Soccer Game Because, Well, Russia

russian bear soccer game

As the joyless fucks who actually enjoy soccer already know, the World Cup is being held in Russia this year. When any country hosts the World Cup, it’s a big deal for them and their national pride.

With Russia all abuzz with World Cup fever, they had to find a way to celebrate — and they found the perfect way. It’s like someone was like, “What’s the most hysterically stereotypical Russian thing we can do?” And what’d they come up with? A circus bear trained to clap and hold a soccer ball opening up a minor league Russian soccer game.

Don’t believe me? Here’s the hysterical and adorable video:

When I first heard about it, I thought it had to be a joke. I should’ve known that any country that would allow “medical heroin” — let alone thinks medical heroin actually exists — would be capable of such a stunt. The American equivalent of this would be a bald eagle lighting off fireworks on the 4th of July on a Rascal scooter he stole from a Walmart.

Open up the entire World Cup with this and we might forget about that whole Sepp Blatter thing.

[via YouTube]

Image via YouTube