I don't always smoke marijuana, but when I do it's with LSU football players. TFM.

    1. No Knee Grows

      ^^This guy. That weed was probably laced with PCP or some other darkie mind poison.

      13 years ago at 1:05 pm
  1. rtemp13

    Yea they weren’t smoking weed. They were smoking synthetic weed that my dad made illegal!! – get at me bro!!

    13 years ago at 1:02 pm
    1. 1844_The_Win

      You’ve said that twice on this one post and still no one likes you or thinks you’re cool. Maybe if you have time could you tell it once more? It might sway my opinion.

      13 years ago at 4:08 pm
    1. 1844_The_Win

      I don’t know if I would take it that far but I definitely enjoy weed very much. I smoke a fair amount but only when I don’t have things to do and not when I am binge drinking because it definitely makes you at least somewhat anti-social. The people who hate on weed that much need to calm down. Its still a drug that makes you feel great. Also, nothing cures a hangover better than a bowl.

      13 years ago at 4:12 pm
    2. FratasticMrOX

      The people who hate on weed have no rational/logical argument against it. Ironically, most people who hate on weed are doing blow and prescription drugs. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t smoke weed.

      13 years ago at 5:46 pm
  2. brostock

    Finally, some kids near the bottom of the comments page who agree that weed isn’t bad. I’m not gonna call it FaF, but it’s definitely enjoyable. If you can’t relax with a bowl or a blunt then you take yourself way too seriously.

    13 years ago at 6:11 pm