Trump Staff Caught Taking Media Members To Vegas Strip Club, Which Isn’t NEARLY Enough At This Point


Via Page Six:

Sources said that Trump campaign senior communications adviser Jason Miller — along with female colleagues including senior adviser and surrogate A.J. Delgado and deputy communications director Jessica Ditto — went with several members of the media from networks, including CNN, NBC and ABC, to Sapphire Las Vegas Strip Club before the big night.

This is how you know Donald Trump is running a half-assed campaign. It isn’t the lack of TV spots, the comparatively weak fundraising, or the nearly, and inexplicably, non-existent ground game. It’s that all some of his staffers did while the final presidential debate was happening in Las Vegas last week was allegedly take a few random CNN and NBC News folks to a strip club. That’s not nearly enough.

What’s the play, here? Hope paying for a private dance and maybe a champagne room squeezer gets you nicer coverage? Does the Trump campaign not understand how badly they’re polling? The time for glad-handing is over. It’s blackmail or bust. You’re not turning anyone into Sean Hannity by tossing them a pile of singles and some Grey Goose bottle service. Anything less than blacking these media guys out on tequila, driving them out to the middle of the desert, covering them in pig’s blood and glitter, and waking them up to convince them they murdered a stripper in a drunken rage might as well be a gift card to Outback Steakhouse. Nothing short of the media members they took out believing there’s a mostly headless exotic dancer rotting in a shallow grave hastily dug by their new BFFs in the Trump campaign is going to get them to walk into the CNN and NBC newsrooms on Monday and, say, demand the network interview all of Bill Clinton’s accusers in primetime.

If not that, then these Trump staffers needed to get some video of the two (just two!) guys who went with them to Sapphire, CNN producer Noah Gray and NBC news reporter Anthony Terrell, each openly and shamelessly stroking themselves off right next to each other while watching a stripper put things in places they were never remotely intended to go. Networks might be less inclined to endlessly cover, let alone so damningly condemn, lewd comments if they’ve recently employed known public circle-jerkers.

And this is to say nothing of the seemingly endless hooker opportunities the Trump campaign had at its disposal. The entire American media machine was in Las Vegas, a city whose sidewalks do an amount of commerce generally reserved for a food truck festival in Denver, and the best you can do is get two randos to a strip club? It’s like they’ve given up.

An all around shoddy job by the Trump campaign here. On the bright side, this ABC News cameraman had the night of his life.

The group that went out with the Trump aides included CNN producer Noah Gray, NBC News reporter Anthony Terrell and a “camerman” from ABC News, sources said.

Criticism aside, this at least speaks volumes to Trump’s claim that he cares about working class Americans.

[via Page Six]

Image via Sapphire

  1. SigmaPhilthy

    Sounds like you’ve been covered in pigs blood, covered in sparkles and abandoned a few times yourself.

    8 years ago at 1:45 pm
  2. prex8390

    Been to sapphires once. It is a place where enough money will get you anything you want from the girls.

    8 years ago at 2:03 pm
  3. Colonel Reb forever

    There’s a *lot* more bullshit about Clinton and her entire Godforsaken campaign. How about some articles on them for once.

    8 years ago at 2:10 pm
    1. 21st Century Goose

      “WikiLeaks email dump goes largely unnoticed” isn’t as good of a headline as “GOP’s nominee makes light of sexual assault”

      8 years ago at 8:10 am
  4. CantDriveDixieDown

    bacon we all know that living in Austin and working in the tech industry turned you into a democrat, but can you at least try to not act like a liberal pussy.

    8 years ago at 4:31 pm
    1. Rob Fox

      Is saying something true (that Trump is losing) what makes me a liberal pussy? Or encouraging the Trump campaign to go harder at the media? I can’t figure it out.

      8 years ago at 5:58 pm
  5. KsigSELU1869

    Frat romance, fail Friday, Todd Storm, IGBOTD, rush boobs. Were these ever real or a fantasy we concocted up inside our heads to deal with the shittiness of this site. I just don’t know anymore.

    8 years ago at 9:52 pm