Twitter Reacts Hilariously To Brazilian Beatdown

You watching this Brazil-Germany game? I haven’t seen this much scoring since last night when I had cybersex with all of those girls on Omegle. Check out what the Twittersphere is saying about the host country’s poor performance.

  1. 2Close4Missiles

    Neymar’s back wasn’t broken by that guy’s knee. It was broken from carrying the weight of the entire damn brazil team on it.

    10 years ago at 11:39 pm
  2. HOT LINKS AROUND THE WEB | Best Of The Web In One Spot

    […] are no stupid questions, except on twitter -The Chive Twitter Reacts Hilariously To Brazilian Beatdown -Total Frat […]

    10 years ago at 12:14 pm
  3. bromoneybroproblems

    Some people still don’t believe the Goalocaust against the Brazilians happened

    10 years ago at 7:35 am
  4. CycloneWasted

    Maybe he’ll feel better once some girls with self-esteem issues take a ride on that power-stache.

    10 years ago at 2:08 pm