Two Guys Sneak Into McGregor V. Diaz With Fake Press Passes And Film It

Two former University of Iowa wrestlers fabricated their own credentials to sneak into the UFC 202 showdown between Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor on Saturday night at the T-Mobile Arena. They documented the bold undertaking on Snapchat.

In the footage, you can see them arriving at the stadium, suited up, fake credentials hanging from UFC lanyards. They then make their way past security and right up to the octagon. They even managed to snap a pic with the belt.

Between these guys and the University of Texas kid who snuck into the NBA Finals, it’s clear that if you’ve got the clothes, the photoshop skills, and the can-do attitude, you can snake your way into any major event.

  1. MitchL

    If they don’t quit doing this shit people who aren’t bragging are gonna get fucked!

    9 years ago at 12:38 pm
  2. Gun_Slinger

    Now maybe a member of the press could sneak into a Hillary ‘press conference’.

    9 years ago at 1:08 pm
    1. BG_Frat_Daddy

      If her server security was any indication of her real security a red crayon on printer paper should do the trick for a staffer pass

      9 years ago at 4:00 pm