‘U-S-A’ Chant Rains Down on NBA Draftee and Military Vet

In the photo above, can you guess which one is him?

Not very often is the 33rd pick of the NBA draft a memorable one, but it’s also not every year that a player is drafted who served in the United States military. Florida State power forward Bernard James was picked by the Cleveland Cavaliers on Thursday night, and was subsequently traded to the Dallas Mavericks.

Following his name being called by NBA deputy commissioner Adam Silver, the crowd started chanting U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

James, 27, served in the United States Air Force for six years before attending FSU. The crowd was simply showing their appreciation for his service. James nodded and thanked the crowd as he made his way to the stage.

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban then tweeted: “I love that kid !! USA !!”

So do we, Cubes. James was asked about being a 27 year-old NBA rookie:

“And the fact that I’m 27, I’ve had a career before, I know what it is to be a professional. I’m going to come to work every day and make the best of this opportunity.”

I’ll take his word for it. And to the New Jersey basketball fans in attendance who participated in the chant, nice work.

  1. AintEazyBeingSleazy

    1. Thank you Bernard for serving in the armed forces and for defending the right of all the rest of the shit dicks above me to say what they want and for me to call them shit dicks.
    2. Have a great NBA career, regardless of how your career turns out any true patriot will be proud of you

    12 years ago at 5:27 am