U.S. Army Sends Out Draft Notices To Men Born In 1800s, Threatens With Fines And Imprisonment

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I’m assuming that most of these men probably fought so well in World War I that the U.S. Army decided they needed to sign up for the draft again. I don’t blame ‘em. We kicked the Germans’ asses. Back to back World War champs, you fucking krauts. In what has to be one of the craziest mixups in recent history, the Selective Service System notified thousands of men born in the 1800s that they need to register for the military draft, or else they’ll be punished.

From US News:

It just seems that way after the Selective Service System mistakenly sent notices to more than 14,000 Pennsylvania men born between 1893 and 1897, ordering them to register for the nation’s military draft and warning that failure to do so is “punishable by a fine and imprisonment.”

Yeah, good luck collecting on that fine. How did the Selective Service manage to screw the pooch on this one? Turns out, it wasn’t even their fault. It was the DMV’s.

The glitch originated with the Pennsylvania Department of Motor Vehicles during an automated data transfer of nearly 400,000 records to the Selective Service. The records of males born between 1993 and 1997 were mixed with those of men born a century earlier, Selective Service spokesman Pat Schuback told The Associated Press on Thursday. The federal agency didn’t know it because the state uses a two-digit code to indicate year of birth.

One more reason to hate the fucking DMV. They can’t do anything right–they’re almost as useless as the pledges.

[via US News]

  1. Mr. Manager

    The oldest living American is 115, and they would’ve been born after any of the “14,000 men.” Way to go reporting on probably a decade old story, TFM.

    10 years ago at 8:15 pm