U.S. Court Of Appeals Reaffirms Your Right To Flip Off Cops

“Fuck tha police. Fuck, fuck, fuck tha police.” – N.W.A., poets, First and Second Amendment advocates.

You know that drunk guy who shouts about his constitutional rights after being arrested by the police for doing something completely retarded? You know, this guy:

Ed. Note: This video can never be posted enough. – Bacon

Well that guy finally had his day in court, and won.

A police officer can’t pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.


As a strict constructionist of the constitution I believe this clarification was a long time coming. Now to make sure that citizens are allowed their right to freely perform other offensive gestures towards the police, such as the “suck it” gestures (both X-Pac and regular style), miming a blowjob, miming jacking off (both the slow sarcastic jerk as well as the aggressive jerk with exploding hand climax release), and the fake out high five/fake out handshake.

So who is the brave soul who brought us to this glorious day? And what did he do to get us here?

John Swartz and his wife Judy Mayton-Swartz had sued two police officers who arrested Swartz in May 2006 after he flipped off an officer who was using a radar device at an intersection in St. Johnsville, N.Y. Swartz was later charged with a violation of New York’s disorderly conduct statute…

Truly moving stuff, John Swartz is the the Rosa Parks of being a dick. Here’s the court’s official ruling:

In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the “ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity.”

God Bless America, and let those freedom fingers fly.

[via The Huffington Post]

Image via AFlags.Blogspot.com


    1. Rob Fox

      When you’re trolling for news you have to look everywhere. Take solace in the fact that it is literally one of my last resorts. Though I have to admit, when they’re not being communists they post some pretty good random, wtf stories.

      12 years ago at 1:44 pm
    1. Born Wearing Sperrys

      Hahaha that part was so funny. I just keep reading it and it is still so funny. Fucking great, Bacon! Haha.

      12 years ago at 2:33 pm
  1. SackMaster

    ‘N.W.A., poets, First and Second Amendment advocates.’ Quite humorous Bacon, and appreciate the shout out for Randy Marsh. Funniest geed in Coloroda

    12 years ago at 8:27 pm