UCLA Professor Tells Students To Leave Cover During Active Shooter Lockdown To Take Exam

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While the University of California, Los Angeles campus was on lockdown yesterday during an active shooter situation, one professor told her students to leave shelter and find a computer to take their final exam.

Professor Vivian Lew added that she would not be attending the exam because she herself was locked in her office.

From Campus Reform:

“This is what I will do, you can take the exam anywhere today, not in Boelter,” Professor Vivian Lew wrote to her students in an email obtained by Campus Reform. “Unfortunately, you need to take it between 11-11:50 Section 1A and 1 pm-1:50pm Section 1B.”

“I am locked in my office now and cannot leave[;] my building is under lockdown,” she wrote.

Nonetheless, Lew encouraged her students to leave safety so that they could find a computer to complete their exams remotely.

“So leave this area if you are in [it] and find a computer. If you cannot take it at 11 am, I can reschedule you for 1 pm,” she ordered.

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She eventually excused the students from the exam and issued an incredibly bizarre, awkward apology:

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“Have a good day, remember, your families love you (even if you don’t feel it sometimes) and are probably worried sick about you,” she writes. “Let them know you are OK and that you finished 50% of your stats final 🙂 🙂 :).”

Yeah, I’m sure the terrified parents will be overcome with joy to know that their children completed half their stats final despite the school shooting. Silver lining, people.

She goes on to say that she “wasn’t aware at the time that some buildings had been locked down,” despite writing that she was on lockdown herself in the first email.

I cannot fathom the stupidity of this woman. Even if there is a rumor that someone with a gun is roaming around campus, you shut it all down. No class. No exams. You just don’t take that chance. This is irrelevant to Lew, however. She should have known the situation was well beyond rumor when she was told to stay in her office. Thank God the shooter had only one intended target — an engineering professor — before turning the gun on himself. Otherwise, a lot of UCLA statistics students might not be alive today.

If this doesn’t get you fired at UCLA, I don’t know what will.

[via Campus Reform]

Image via YouTube

  1. fratstar570

    It’s funny cause she probably won’t get fired for putting kids in harm’s way, while they would probably fire a professor for wearing a sombrero in a picture from myspace back in 1996.

    9 years ago at 11:49 am
    1. Old_Fashioned

      Obviously stupid of her, but I dont get the automatic call for everyones job when they fuck up. Is this really a fireable offense?

      9 years ago at 12:26 pm
      1. GodHatesFigs

        Would you be saying the same thing if one of her students left the safety of cover per her instructions and was killed because of it?

        9 years ago at 12:32 pm
    2. MollieRose

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      9 years ago at 12:46 pm
    1. The ATF Store

      and you will probably get lapped into oblivion, it’s the way things work.

      9 years ago at 12:04 pm
      1. fratstar570

        The sky is blue. Bacon is a ghost. BLM protestors are unemployed. Intern Smegma is cuntbag.

        Just the facts.

        9 years ago at 12:08 pm
      2. Bing Bong

        What the group of dark gentleman shove into your mother every night to get her “warmed up.” Right after she tells you to go up to your room and turn the TV all the way up.

        9 years ago at 7:10 pm
  2. Steroid are frat

    I finger bang all my professors to the point they give me a automatic “a” so this wouldn’t apply to me

    9 years ago at 12:05 pm
  3. Tall Can Sam

    As long as that professor would be my human shield, I’d gladly leave my cover.

    9 years ago at 12:11 pm
  4. J.W. Dundee

    What’s the probability that this stats professor had to wear a helmet indoors during her childhood? My calculations put it at 100%

    9 years ago at 12:22 pm
      1. Old Yeller

        Well there’s always and incertainty, even in #FratMath. I would leave it at +/- .03% probability.

        9 years ago at 11:05 pm
  5. unkle

    “I am locked in my office now and cannot leave[;] my building is under lockdown,” she wrote.

    Guess they locked down the Art History building as well.

    9 years ago at 1:37 pm
      1. nolenation44

        It’s from “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”. What, none of you like Brad Pitt? He’s an American treasure!

        9 years ago at 6:39 pm
  6. fraternitydrinks

    The disparity between the quality of professors I have had in college so far is incredible. In one term I can be enrolled in a class with a brilliant Russian dude who writes tons of Letters of Recs and is super accessible to office hours… nd on the other end I also have an ignorant curly haired feminist lady who doesn’t curve her tests even though the average grade is a 77% in a 100 level course..

    The disparity I have witnessed thus far baffles me every term, I am not surprised by this UCLA professor

    9 years ago at 2:04 pm
    1. Beer Jacket

      77% is about a C+ in a straight curve, at most universities in 100 level courses that’s about the average you can expect. The feminist part we can discuss however.

      9 years ago at 2:20 pm