UConn Removes Three More Greek Organizations From Campus For Hazing

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It’s been a while since we’ve heard from the University of Connecticut. The school has been fairly quiet this summer after having one hell of a year, in which it removed SAE and KKG from campus for hazing and gave Derek, the dickhead RA, to the world.

Well, UConn’s back, and this time, three more Greek organizations got the boot. The university officially removed Sigma Chi, Delta Gamma, and Delta Zeta from campus after an investigation into hazing allegations and violations of the student code of conduct.

From NBC Connecticut:

The state university notified fraternity Sigma Chi and sororities Delta Gamma and Delta Zeta on Monday that “they will lose their chapter registrations, recognition and on-campus housing at UConn as a result of hazing and other behaviors” that violated UConn’s Student Code, according to spokesperson Stephanie Reitz.

An investigation that concluded in June found the fraternity and sororities responsible for three student code violations during a Feb. 28 incident, including “hazing, behavior that endangers others and themselves,” providing alcohol to minors and/or “visibly intoxicated” people and pressuring peers to drink, according to a release from the university.

We first reported on an incident involving Delta Zeta and members, presumably pledges of an unnamed fraternity, in April. At the time, the allegations were of sorority members forcing the fraternity members to eat dog treats and take body shots off of each other. It is not known if this particular incident was cited as a reason for the sorority’s expulsion from campus.

Sigma Chi received the worst of the punishments with a three year ban from all activities.

The sanctions are effective immediately, lasting three years for Sigma Chi, two years for Delta Zeta and one year for Delta Gamma, pending appeals. Housing bans will start on Jan. 1, 2015 and will last until Aug. 15, 2018 for Sigma Chi and Aug. 15, 2017 for Delta Zeta and Delta Gamma.

If you’re keeping track at home, UConn has now removed five Greek organizations from campus within the past six months.

[via NBC Connecticut]

Image via Twitter

  1. USArmy

    “Visibly intoxicated” during college basketball season…is that not the status quo?

    10 years ago at 3:57 pm
    1. I Make Stupid Usernames

      As if uconns greek life was ever anything but shit. Ha. Goodluck gdiconn

      10 years ago at 4:06 pm
      1. Dick_Steele

        Might not be on par with an SEC school but most of UConn greeklife are kids from Fairfield County, one of the richest counties in the country and breeding ground of the whole New England/Nantucket prep lifestyle. This isn’t some shit SUNY school

        10 years ago at 4:12 pm
      2. I Make Stupid Usernames

        Haha excuse me? New Haven county/ the CT shoreline is the birth of the preppy lifestyle. Im from Rhode Island and even i know that fairfield county is garbage. Furthermore ive been to uconn and their greek life is garbage compared to that of Georgia

        10 years ago at 4:20 pm
      3. AllinTheHips

        New Haven county is the most crime-ridden part of the state, whereas towns in Fairfield county average seven figure home prices. Sounds like you don’t understand the meaning of preppy

        10 years ago at 4:37 pm
      4. ProudPhi2042

        I get a comment moderated for making a clever, slightly distasteful joke, and this guy gets to have the name “KykeKiller?”

        10 years ago at 4:49 pm
      5. ZeteNJ

        Only disagreement I’ll have, is that Fairfield County is not really part of New England. It’s very much culturally connected to Westchester and North Jersey, sort of Long Island (nice parts). I grew up there, and Fairfield County and the rest of CT are like two different states, the rest of it being much more like Massachusetts and RI, and FC being part of the NYC metro.

        10 years ago at 4:38 pm
    2. buddahsmcmansion

      they tried to do this at USC… still some carry over but now that Ron binder is gone its a little better. didn’t they completely destroy GL at Iowa?

      10 years ago at 8:46 pm
  2. teflondarf

    Am I the only one that thinks it’s odd that they’re busting more sororities than they are fraternities for hazing?

    10 years ago at 4:01 pm
  3. inhocFaF

    Being recognized by Nationals, while simultaneously being unrecognized by the University and their communist regime. FAF.

    In Hoc to the GO chapter.

    10 years ago at 4:58 pm