UConn’s SAE Joins KKG After Being Kicked Off Campus For Making A Girl “Sizzle Like Bacon”


It has been a rough year for SAEs and an equally as rough year for UConn Greeks. The University of Connecticut’s Delta Zeta chapter found themselves in trouble for forcing guys to eat dog treats and who can forget Dickhead Derek the anti-fun RA? Now, two more Greek chapters at the university are gone.

When the fall semester finally arrives, there will be one less Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter to test out their controversial new pledgeship – if it can even be called one. As we reported a couple of months ago, the KKG and SAE chapters at the University of Connecticut have been neck deep in administrator outrage following the hospitalization of a KKG member at SAE’s off-campus house. Last week, the university gave KKG the boot. This week, they purged SAE from campus for at least the next five years.

In what has been described as a hazing incident gone wrong and something that was surely created through the boredom of a wannabe pledge master, a woman claims that she was forced to lie on a floor and “sizzle like bacon” before passing out and being hospitalized due to an insane level of alcohol consumption. Sure enough, the university jumped all over the case and placed both organizations on a temporary suspension until ultimately deciding that their time on campus had come to an end.

School spokeswoman Stephanie Reitz had the following to say about the expulsion.

From Fox News:

Our mission is to provide a first-rate learning environment, and as our actions in response to this event indicate, we take this very seriously.

SAE had no comment on the matter and must appeal the ruling by May 19 should they choose to do so.

What a shitty way to close out the school year.

[via Fox News]

  1. Ron_Paul_2016

    I read this article to figure out what “sizzle like bacon” means. After further review I am still don’t get it.

    10 years ago at 2:49 pm
      1. TheBigDipper1856

        Not trying to be a gdi, but the line goes “Now FRY like bacon you little freshmen piggies” not sizzle

        10 years ago at 3:16 pm
      2. Fratchelor Pad

        Fair enough but I wasn’t focusing on the exact quote more what the quote/action in the article was referencing. Apparently, School spokeswoman Stephanie Reitz has not seen this movie. Fuckin bitch.

        10 years ago at 3:47 pm
  2. BoozinCruizin

    I feel like we’re missing some info here… She wiggled on the floor, then BAM!- Alcohol Poisoning!

    10 years ago at 2:52 pm
    1. phialphaborn92

      Judging by this comment and your stupid username, I’d say you’re just about finishing up your junior year in high school.

      10 years ago at 4:55 pm
  3. GreekOrGTFO

    So the the “ladies” of SAE don’t join KKG if you don’t feel like reading this totally mis-titled article all the way through.

    10 years ago at 3:55 pm