Joey Chesnut Pledge is not allowed out of the basement until he finishes 68 hot dogs. TFM.

  1. King Cobra

    Chesnut beating that asian bastard and making America number one in another thing we don’t give a fuck about. TFM.

    12 years ago at 1:33 pm
  2. 1844_The_Win

    The rest of the pledge class gets hazed in the basement until Joey Chesnut pledge finishes 68 hot dogs.

    12 years ago at 2:13 pm
    1. Red State Frat Star

      Then, all the pledges do bows and toes until chesnut shits his pants.

      12 years ago at 4:33 pm
    2. 1844_The_Win

      Obviously it took Chesnut too long so the hazing just continues. These pledges are the worst.

      12 years ago at 11:27 am
    1. fratandfield

      We appreciate your input. Also, thank you for googling his foreign-ass name so you could spell it correctly in order to avoid criticism.


      12 years ago at 8:20 am