My slampiece was born in 1992. TFM.

  1. 1992

    too bad your wanna be fratdaddy ass lied and could never have a slampiece like me in your dreams

    14 years ago at 7:02 pm
  2. SororityGirlAlpha

    First of all if your slmapiece is A.that young your a creeper, B. you cant get a girl who actually knows you, or C. your like 27 and still in college trying to act like a fratdaddy TSM

    14 years ago at 7:08 pm
  3. Godandgunsaregood

    correct me if i’m wrong, but 18 is fair game. now, if the age difference is more than 5-6 years, we’ve got a problem, but until then, frat the hell on

    14 years ago at 10:13 pm