Pledge class rivalries. TFM.

  1. AccuFrat

    If you have a spring pledge class your fraternity might as well be located on an interstate

    13 years ago at 12:54 pm
    1. Year Around Frat

      ^What? Most schools of importance are located near an interstate. Maybe not Ole Miss, but Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Vanderbilt, and LSU are. Spring pledge classes allow the fraternity to get bigger, although the size of the class is usually half if not less than the fall.

      13 years ago at 1:31 pm
  2. AccuFrat

    Near an interstate and on an interstate are different things. Why would you want kids who didn’t rush in the fall? I’m not even trying to be a douche, but seriously why would you want kids who didn’t want to be in a fraternity during the first half of the year?

    13 years ago at 2:29 pm
    1. Year Around Frat

      Reasons somebody didn’t rush in the fall.
      1. Parents- Not everyone is a legacy and many parents distrust fraternities. They want their kids to get good grades their first semester or even year. Then they allow them to rush. When you’re in college, you do as your parent’s checkbook does.
      2. Rerush- A guy may have pledged a fraternity and quit. I generally don’t like these guys but occassionally it was because he was a good guy and saw he was pledging a douchebag fraternity.
      3. Change of Heart- Kid didn’t like or know much about fraternities. He meets some of your brothers and decides to give it a shot.
      4. Transfer- Kid transfer to your school in the spring, self-explainatory.
      5. Starts school- Maybe he was in basic over the summer and part of fall. Maybe he needed to save up money for school or wait for his endowment or scholarship. In this case, yes he’s poorer than an old money fratstar, but not all fraternities depend on only the wealthy uppercrust.

      I hope this answered your question. Spring classes can be hit or miss. Most fraternities have elections for a calendar year. Spring is good practice for Rush chairs and Pledge Educators. Besides, who doesn’t like having pledges year around anyway. They make life so much easier.

      13 years ago at 2:57 pm
    2. KingOfTheBROcean1855

      You also forgot the kid who got balled from the previous Fraternity because the pledge couldn’t figure out the god damn reply button.

      13 years ago at 5:03 pm
    3. AccuFrat

      Yeah I didn’t hit reply, valid point. Everything you said is accurate, but why not just hold rush in the fall, and let them rush sophomore year. And to the parents thing, if you’re parents don’t want you to rush then lie to them. I’m not really against pledging during the spring, what I’m against is having 2 pledge classes per year. But yeah I mean it’s not the end of the world to have a spring pledge class, but at my school only mid/lower tier fraternities have spring pledge classes

      13 years ago at 10:30 pm
    4. Till I Die 1855

      We do spring rush down at my college, and yes it is a hit and miss, almost everyone gets bids so we can see how they are, but out of 8 guys only 1 or 2 will get initiated.

      13 years ago at 8:43 am