UF FIJI Suspended For Hazing, President Takes Blame

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Well, we managed to make it exactly one day since the last hazing story. That’s weak shit, guys.

Unfortunately, the University of Florida’s FIJI chapter decided we aren’t going to catch a break when it comes to hazing stories. Yesterday, the university suspended its chapter of Phi Gamma Delta for the summer, because the fraternity is facing multiple charges of hazing from the UF Student Conduct Committee. The allegations include sleep derivation, physical activity, and demeaning treatment.

The fraternity’s former president denies that he was involved with the incidents, and he’s pissed he has to take the blame for the chapter. He claims to be personally facing two counts of hazing from the Student Conduct Committee.

From The Alligator:

“Our fraternity is in trouble because somebody said we did something terrible,” said the 21-year-old UF sport management senior. “I took the fall for the entire chapter.”

Hendricks said he is currently facing two counts of hazing, although he said he “got completely screwed over by the Student Conduct Committee” and doesn’t know what the charges he is facing are for.

The brothers are also required to bring in a speaker who will explain to them the emotional, physical, and mental consequences of hazing.

Just to add insult to injury, FIJI will be a dry house until December 2015.

Fuck that.

[via The Alligator]

Image via UF Phi Gamma Delta

    1. Lace_Em_Up

      Try visiting non-southern schools, houses go dry every single semester. Mizzou gets a real hard-on for this shit.

      10 years ago at 5:32 pm
  1. ITX1732

    > Brings in speaker who is a member of a fraternity
    > Drinks beer with speaker
    > Speaker says he would have done the same thing

    10 years ago at 3:51 pm
  2. Cabbieshack

    A captain always goes down with his ship… and then whines about it to the student paper.

    10 years ago at 3:52 pm
  3. JackieChan

    “The allegations include sleep deprivation, physical activity, and demeaning treatment.”
    These guys need to go that it absolutely absurd..

    10 years ago at 4:08 pm
  4. Greek Track Star

    These “allegations” don’t sound like anything college doesn’t do to a student

    10 years ago at 10:37 pm