UFC: Neanderthals Beating Each Other Up in Bathing Suits

Bloodlust is something that has permeated cultures of different time periods since the beginning of human existence. From the great gladiator battles of ancient Rome to Cain clown-stomping his brother Abel way back in the B.C., violence is something that we generally celebrate. Although this could sound horrifying when first considering the notion, the great thing about this violence is that we learned to control it. Instead of simply throwing two crazed men in a pit with each other to fight to the death, we established rules to fight by. We turned the barbaric aspect of violence into something respectable and dignified with sports like boxing and wrestiling. In boxing, instead of beating your opponent when he goes down, you let him back up to fight you face to face with honor. This is dignified. However, despite our greatest conquests in civilizing our violence, we have taken a giant step back. We created a monster, and it is called UFC.

I know every MMA fanboy out there is going to say “UFC is only a promotion company…Dana White…blah blah blah blah.” You fanboys get your shit so up in a wad I’m surprised UFC isn’t sponsored by fucking Midol. So, to clear it up for the ass-hats, I know UFC is not the name of the sport. It is mixed martial arts, I know, just shut the fuck up. However, UFC is a company that represents the bulk of the sport to the eyes of the world, and its existence is the worst thing about MMA fighting.

The thing I find most humorous about UFC matches is that they consist of two people fighting within the confines of a chain-link fence. Nothing screams “I have sex with my sister” quite like being into watching two dudes beat each other in a cage. From the chain-link to the people inside the cage, The Octagon reminds me of a minimum security rec yard and it has just as much class as one. Yet, the cage is only the cherry on top of the god-awful empire UFC has built.

The devout UFC culture consists of people who honestly believe that being able to put someone in an arm-bar is a character trait and get hard-ons when jock-rock starts playing in the gym. Any time I see guidos, townies, and guys who still wear their varsity jackets coming out of the woodwork, I usually assume it is because they couldn’t get UFC 583 at the local Hooters so they had to come to the bar I frequent. They love the sport for ridiculous reasons like “that’s what fighting is like in real life,” and the ever-popular “the fighters go balls to the wall, just look at that submission.” If you think MMA is anything like a real fight, see how well your Tap-Out wardrobe and expansive knowledge of ground game serve you after being suckerpunched at the bar. Trust me, it will happen. Everyone wants to clock the douche in the Tap-Out hoodie. As for going “balls to the wall”, watching some guido in boardshorts choke out a guy until he submits seems a little bit more “balls to the mouth” in my opinion.

But regardless, I would somewhat understand where the UFC fanbase was coming from if they simply admitted that the point of the Ultimate Fighter Championship was to watch two jarheads amped out on their own testosterone beat each other into pulp. Because deep down, I get the desire to watch some sort of barbarianism. We all did it when we watched fights in grade school, and it makes sense that some people like it. I don’t like it, but I GET IT. However, the UFC lemmings think this is the furthest from the truth. They think MMA is not only a dignified sport, but a sport so respectable it should be in the fucking Olympics. THE OLYMPICS! Are you kidding me? Wrestling is an Olympic sport because it has been refined into something less than a clusterfuck of jiu-jitsu, judo, and bar brawling. Furthermore, I don’t know if athletes in a sport whose rules consist of no biting, hair-pulling, curb-stomping, or nut-grabbing, deserve to be representing our country.

The thing is, UFC fights are a brick to the back of the head away from being pay-per-view muggings. I know it’s a large spectator sport, but Wrestlemania used to be pretty big worldwide too. The people that get way too into the fights will defend UFC until the day they die, but they probably wouldn’t mind if the match had a guy yelling “FINISH HIM” after the down opponent went limp either. Sports like Boxing and Wrestling are legitimate because they have been perfected and refined. Until UFC starts classing up, it will eventually go the way of Randy “The Macho Man” Savage and the WWF.

  1. Dukie5440

    This site “should” be better than this man. If you’re going to make a point about an issue, get into it. I like an opinion piece as much as the next guy, but this is just you bitching for the sake of bitching. Get a diary or come out to your parents if you need to talk about your “feelings”.

    Fighting is barbaric? How observant. A lot of people that like the UFC are trashy? Ok, so should I not listen to rap music? Boycott Taco Bell? Give up football?

    You have frustrations towards a certain demographic and that’s completely understandable. The casual fan wearing Tap-Out is, if nothing else, an eyesore. And maybe the couple hours a week the guy spent in his local gym “sparring” has given him a misguided sense of manhood but that’s no reason to hate the sport of MMA.

    MMA has thrown a bunch of disciplines into the octagon to see what would happen. We have learned standard american boxing and muai thai are most effective when standing up and that a wrestling or ju-jitsu background is crucial when a fight goes to the ground. The foundation of MMA is built on a solid idea. Once again, it’s your stereotype of the casual UFC that’s left you with a bad taste in your mouth.

    I’ll use my friends as a personal example, a couple buddies of mine who were a couple years older in high school enrolled in some classes during the offseason (one played football, the other soccer) at the local gym in my hometown when it first opened. I had some preconceived conceptions about what MMA was about at the time, and I thought it was stupid and a waste of money but they kept telling me how much they enjoyed it. After a few months, I decided I’d go in for a free trial. It ended up being one of the toughest full-body workouts of my life. And while I never got into it like my friends, my lone week allowed me to see that a lot of guys in the gym consisted of white-collar professionals. Of the two aforementioned buddies, one works in real estate investment consulting and the other at a hedge fund (also don’t fit your stereotype). What I’m trying to say here is you can’t judge the sole merit of a sport by the crowd it attracts. I’m not going to like football any less because there is a huge following or rednecks nor am I going to watch golf religiously because my future boss is a fan.

    MMA has gained popularity because the UFC you seem to hate, has done a fantastic job of marketing. Sure, sometimes the fighters they trot out seem a little gimmicky but this is prevalent in all professional sports. Athletes adopt nicknames and personas to either get an edge in competition or for marketing purposes. Most importantly, Dana White has run the UFC without “too much” preferential treatment for top fighters. There is no dodging fights like in boxing where the only intriguing match-up to the general public has been put off for so long both fighters are exiting their primes and it may or may not happen next summer (Mayweather, Pacquiao). Boxing is a dying sport, and a large part due to bad marketing and a lack of excitement. The fighters that people want to see fight each other in the MMA on a fairly regular basis.

    13 years ago at 11:54 pm
    1. T_Bro_Pickens

      agree with dukie. Trained Jujitsu and Muay Thai for a few years and is a great workout. I don’t wear affliction or tapout because of the stereotype and quite frankly it isn’t my style. You guys can hate on it but in reality it’s one of the best upcoming sports out there and is way more exciting then boxing.

      13 years ago at 2:44 pm
  2. Charleston FratEN

    I’ll be honest… Nothing says testosterone like seeing two dudes beat the shit out of each other.

    13 years ago at 8:48 am
  3. Peemore Butts

    ^ ^^ ^^^. Why don’t all three of you go put on your affliction shirts and cargo shorts. Fucking geeds

    13 years ago at 9:38 am
    1. SouthernByGodsGrace

      Have to agree with you nelson. I fucking hate every guy that the column talks about, and this is coming from a guy that has been trained in many fighting techniques courtesy of the Army. Guys that have to act tough or wear the clothes are not tough.

      13 years ago at 1:06 pm
  4. Constantine Chapter

    There is nothing more gdi, whitetrash, union factory worker, or repulsive than UFC. It screams no class, parenting issues, and lack of self respect. Being able to fight to the death in a cage isn’t going to do anything when a prison guard smashes your face in with a nightstick or better yet they just take you out back and blow your head off because you are nothing more than a drain on decent society and your funeral will only be occupied by a few buddies from the nearest trailer park, a couple ex girlfriends with your bastard children, and your mother that cashes her welfare check to pay for meth. May God not have mercy on any of your souls and may all UFC fighters rot and burn next to Bin Laden and Saddam deep in the fire scorched depths of hell.

    13 years ago at 12:17 pm
  5. FratasticMrOX

    Hating UFC but supporting boxing is like preferring apples to oranges. You might think one is better than the other but in the end, you should go fuck yourself.

    13 years ago at 1:50 pm
    1. The Golden Fleece

      No, no it’s not. For instance football is a sport, and yet so is basketball. However, Football is great and Basketball is African handball. UFC, simply put, is for tools. Boxing is an art. MMA is a cluster fuck. Plain and simple.

      13 years ago at 5:50 pm
    2. Obama is a cactus

      ^That’s about as misguided as you can be. Boxing uses only your hands while MMA encompasses every aspect of fighting: wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu etc. There’s a reason they call it mixed martial arts. It’s a mixture of different arts of fighting. I don’t give a shit if you like the sport or not, but don’t be a dumbass.

      13 years ago at 12:28 pm
    3. The Golden Fleece

      I go to a school with more national championships in basketball then your school, period. However, the sport of basketball is still a stain on society for various reasons that are obvious to the otherwise intelligent eye. I digress. As for “Mixed Martial Arts,” They can call their little “sport” whatever the hell they want, it always ends in a grapple on the ground reminiscent more a dog or cock fight, and the sport itself has breed a culture of inept, guido juice heads whom haven’t read any material other than a muscle magazine in the last five years. MMA is NF, very simple. Now I’m being a misguided dumbass? All of you go beat off to Roadhouse and a Michael Bay film, and come talk to me when you have the sense of a real man.

      13 years ago at 10:07 pm
  6. StayFrattyAlum

    I’m not into the MMA thing but don’t mind the idea. I hate the culture of douchebags this sport breeds.

    On another note, boxing isn’t exactly the white knight sport of civility and honor. It’s been a corrupt racket for the last 40 years. Pacman is kind of cool but the rest of the sport is on its last breath.

    13 years ago at 4:40 pm
  7. HaveAnotherDrink

    TheDapperDipper, I hate you.

    The MMA is a sport that very few people are even capable of participating in. I am willing to bet you don’t have the fortitude to spar against someone trained multiple styles of combative arts. You say it is not like real fighting, and that bar fights are real fights? No, you are an ignorant piece of garbage. As a soldier I know what real fighting is, and it most certainly is not a bar brawl. MMA is the best combination I have experienced that combines knowledge, skill, strength, and overall ability. It’s a lot harder than golfing in short shorts with cheap sunglasses.

    13 years ago at 5:21 pm
    1. Lieutenant Frat

      Cool story, bro. I agree that MMA is fucking tough and that it takes a lot of overall ability, I have done some training in both MACP and MMA. But you have obviously never played golf. It’s a slow technical game, you can’t compare golf and MMA. Go play 18 holes and hit under par, hotshot. Every “sport” (whether you see it as one or not) has it’s difficult skills. So beat your face until you know what the fuck you are talking about… or until I get tired.

      13 years ago at 11:57 pm
    2. Fratboyant

      ^this guy. stop talking shit, everyone has their sport. Calling sports that you are not good at is lame

      13 years ago at 12:01 am
  8. Brother Brad

    Dear Senator McCain I mean the TheDapperDipper,

    Lets so how manly you really are. Come fight me, “A UFC fanboy” and fraternity brother. We’ll put it up on TFM for the world to see. Don’t talk down on a sport because of the people who love it. The UFC has some of the greatest athletes in the world on their roster. Hating on the sport because of some guy in a Tapout shirt at a bar is ridiculous. I don’t hate on Nascar because the handi-fat redneck with the Nascar hat is an idiot. Some guys wear the clothes because thats how they make their money, its called a sponsorship retard.

    Shut up and fight me.

    Brother Brad

    13 years ago at 10:11 am
    1. funkyd04

      Actually 50% of the reason i hate nascar is because of its fans. The other 50% is because its not real racing.

      Furthermore, I’m barely trained in grappling, and have been studying kung fu since i was a 6 year old boy. Come fight ME. I promise you won’t be able to get close enough to grapple. There is no honor in you.

      Go fuck yourself

      13 years ago at 10:02 am
    2. Because its FaF

      Hey funkyd, I’ve got news for you kung fu isn’t worth shit. There’s a reason the greatest names in MMA aren’t known for their kung fu skills…It’s impractical and doesn’t teach you how to react in realistic violent situations.

      13 years ago at 12:48 am