Turning a Japanese Steakhouse into a weekly Wednesday night rage feast. TFM.

  1. lily and lace

    this is the worst TFM EVER. Kennesaw State University is not fratty AT ALL. I go there, I know. The reason they go to a Japanese Steak House is because there are no bars in Kennesaw… And they have so many Asian brothers.
    And it’s not even close to a rage fest. I’ve been and was bored out of my mind. a few people played beer pong and most stood in a corner.

    14 years ago at 10:51 pm
  2. Southern Broper

    lulz, I bet they think they’re badass now that they’ve got a TFM. Tokyo is fucking lame, but it’s definitely fitting for all their slanty eyed brothers and all their groupies.

    14 years ago at 11:34 pm
    1. Frat Bro

      Ok yeah with there roid taking ass while doing no events with other sororities only with phi mu basically and they get hard with each other with there intramural sports its pathetic. NF

      14 years ago at 12:25 pm