If you don't like America, then fuck you.


    After seeing the peace sign I somehow KNEW it was a pike.. Glanced at the cooler for confirmation

    14 years ago at 10:06 am
  2. Federalist

    all the comments for this picture sound like a bunch of jealous sorority girls bitching and whining.

    there’s nothing wrong with blue moon. bud light lime is acceptable but not great. a girl painted his cooler not him. and don’t bitch about the peace sign, anyone ever see that picture of Nixon getting on the plane with a peace sign in each hand? Nixon was a life long republican.

    in conclusion, chill out and stop getting your panties in a bunch everytime you see pike.

    14 years ago at 11:57 am
    1. TX_AEKDB

      Bud Light Lime is shitty ass mexican/female beer and
      Nixon pulls off the peace signs, this guy does not.

      14 years ago at 3:00 pm
    1. JPHaze

      HazeFace, you may be the first person on this site I like and don’t have something to say. As for fagbone, you are a piece of shit turd stain, fuck you and hate you.

      Worlds biggest asshole

      14 years ago at 12:20 am
  3. JPHaze

    Hey look at me I will never be elected president because when I run a picture of me holding a GAY ASS BLUE MOON LIGHT is going to pop up and I will come out of the closet. You are gay you liberal homo.

    Worlds biggest asshole.

    14 years ago at 11:34 pm
    1. brocephus1865

      the picture does suck, but what the fuck is a blue moon light? you are never going to be an asshole with slip ups like that

      14 years ago at 12:08 pm