On the 4th someone said happy 4th and I replied "Still undefeated!". Frat on. TFM.

  1. Fratwall Jackson

    Shouldn’t you be longboarding or eating organic food? Let it be known the south hates you

    15 years ago at 7:16 am
  2. Douglas C. Neidermeyer

    Dear Mr. CU Fratty daddy,
    As you can see, your usage of the word frat has been deemed unacceptable by a jury of your peers. From this day forward you will be acknowledged as douchebag on this site. Any further posting will be ignored, and you can continue abusing said word in the privacy of your frathouse, to all your Ed Hardy friends and hippie chicks who think you are cool.
    Fuck You from the frattinghard.com staff,
    Douglas C. Neidermeyer

    15 years ago at 7:32 am
  3. Fuzzy Zoeller

    I’ve always heard you can’t spell Cunt without CU…what does being a GDI even feel like? buttplug

    15 years ago at 10:39 pm