Purchasing Rick Perry campaign apparel prior to him actually announcing his candidacy. TFM.

  1. Third Reich

    Rick Perry, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, they’re all the same.

    Give our country a two more years, and no matter who the president is – democrat or republican, we will still have extraordinarily high gas prices, be involved in over three wars, and spiking up our tremendous debt.

    Politicians don’t give a shit about America. We just got downgraded to AA credit rating and members of Congress just got a 5-week vacation. Hey, I wouldn’t care either if I had a high paying job where my aides did all of my work, and all I did was occasionally go on FOX news or speak on the House floor – acting like I gave a fuck about the country. The rest of my days were spent driving off the back of my yacht, or taking vacations paid for by the American taxpayer.

    14 years ago at 3:07 pm
    1. Sean Frayton

      Third Reich or USA!USA! as a name…he has a point. I vote republican but both parties are full of politicians that are there to serve their own agenda, and not fixing the many problems in America. It seems like the only thing they can all agree on is giving themselves a pay raise.

      14 years ago at 4:34 pm
    2. Peyton Fratting

      This debate is getting old. Perry is a polar opposite to Obama. He may not be the best candidate ever, but if elected I’m sure he’ll find a way to succeed. Texas as a state is doing awesome right now, and over half of all new jobs in the US are created there. He may be too socially consevative for some people, but that really isn’t what this election or his presidency is going to be about. People want tangible results, and Perry was them. Obama really didn’t have any major accomplishments in government prior to running, but Perry has many.

      14 years ago at 12:07 am
    1. carolinahaze

      ^This. Rick Perry thinks that Texas has a special allowance from the federal government to secede if it wants to (he said this in public once). The guy’s too retarded to know his own State’s constitution. He will get annihilated in a debate.

      14 years ago at 3:12 pm
    2. Third Reich

      Texas is a fucking embarrassment. Texas was nearly a democratic state in the 2008 election. With the exception of the neighborhood that George W. Bush lives in, that entire state is a cesspool of hipsters and mexicans. When the cartels eventually take you over, I’ll be cheering.

      14 years ago at 3:14 pm
    3. nmech

      You do realize Texas can legally secede at any point right? It was written in their constitution that they have the right to secede at any point for any reason.

      14 years ago at 3:34 pm
    4. carolinahaze

      ^No it can’t, you idiot. Nowhere in either the Constitution of Texas or the Constitution of the U.S. is it written that Texas reserves the right to secede legally. This is an urban legend that idiots in Texas still believe because it plays into their retarded cultural notion that they are a “country”.

      In fact, not only can Texas NOT legally secede, under the terms of its annexation, a provision was added allowing Texas to be DIVIDED into as many as four different states in order to preserve the balance between free and slave states created under the Missouri Compromise should more states be admitted to the Union later. This is explicitly written in the Congressional Joint Resolution on Annexing Texas into the United States of 1845 (Section 2).

      Read a history book you fucking moron.

      14 years ago at 3:42 pm
    5. Merlyn

      he is the longest serving governor in the state of Texas, and second across America. he must be somewhat decent at debating.

      14 years ago at 3:45 pm
    6. Fratent Pending

      Go ahead and secede then, it will stop Perry’s dumbass from taking conservative votes. Maybe if he goes and prays more God will grant us with a revitalized economy.

      14 years ago at 3:56 pm
    7. thefrattestofthemall

      state law does not override federal law dumbass. we could try, but we would not succeed in staying seperate. i may live in texas and have pride of my state, but i believe america should and always will be together. god bless texas, but god bless usa too man

      14 years ago at 4:02 pm
    8. carolinahaze

      No it can’t. Nowhere in either the Constitution of Texas or the Constitution of the U.S. is it written that Texas reserves the right to secede legally. This is an urban legend that idiots in Texas still believe because it plays into their retarded cultural notion that they are a “country”.

      In fact, not only can Texas NOT legally secede, under the terms of its annexation, a provision was added allowing Texas to be DIVIDED into as many as four different states in order to preserve the balance between free and slave states created under the Missouri Compromise should more states be admitted to the Union later. This is explicitly written in the Congressional Joint Resolution on Annexing Texas into the United States of 1845 (Section 2).

      You fail civics and history.

      14 years ago at 4:02 pm
    9. Proud Texan

      I’m pretty sure Texas lost the right to secede after the War of Northern Aggression.

      14 years ago at 4:26 pm
    10. fratty decisis

      nmech…. not to try to be a troll or anything….. but the Texas Constitution actually does not say that. Anywhere. Its a myth.

      14 years ago at 4:40 pm
    11. James Frank Hopkins

      Texas does reserve the right to secede at any point in time if desired. Texas also has the right to split up into 4 different states if desired. Written in an agreement in the process of admitting Texas to the Union.

      14 years ago at 6:13 pm
    12. Just_The_TEP

      Even if Texas did secede, look how well that worked out for the south. Hey it’s the truth.

      14 years ago at 9:21 am
  2. redfishing89

    Getting real serious about politics for no reason NF. Just making sure its NOT obama next term TFM

    14 years ago at 3:10 pm
    1. Third Reich

      Getting real serious about politics? You should because those retards control our country.

      Fucking idiot.

      14 years ago at 3:13 pm
    2. Merlyn

      Seriously, knowing your politics is one of the prime fundamentals of being Frat. Bitching about your life sucking and just blaming politicians when you really have no clue what is going on in the world is the most Geed thing alive.

      14 years ago at 3:35 pm
  3. Third Reich

    We need to resort back to the Roman system, or something similar. Say instead of dumb ass politicians, we had randomly selected white male property owners who would be interchanged every year or two. Those would be the owners of small business, doctors, lawyers, maybe some CEOs who actually had some fucking stake in the economy.

    Don’t get me wrong, I completely support conservative values. But all of you dumbasses keep sucking dicks of the likes of Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and all of these other politicians who “say” they’ll change our government, but really wont.

    14 years ago at 3:12 pm
    1. Merlyn

      Both Rick Perry and Mitt Romney have serious stakes in the economy. Romney is co founder of one of the largest equity firms in the world.

      14 years ago at 3:43 pm
  4. F A F

    TFM comes up with about 50% of the content posted on their website. (they said it in an interview)

    Writing TFMs to make the merchandise they sell seem frat TFM

    14 years ago at 3:13 pm
    1. Merlyn

      Sounds Logical. but in all honesty i have zero affiliation with TFM. im just a fan

      14 years ago at 3:25 pm
  5. Boston BroSox

    He has no chance. A bombastic governor from texas is not what will win the GOP the white house. Letting Obama run against Bush III basically will let him win. Huntsman is a candidate who could win against obama in the general.

    14 years ago at 3:38 pm
    1. Natty Frat Sax

      ^This. Huntsman has his shit together, it’s a shame he’s not better known so he could compete with the likes of Romney, Perry, etc.

      14 years ago at 3:57 pm
    2. hazeway

      Ron Paul. Gold Standard/no FED. No income tax/much smaller government. Secure our borders. (Doubt the first two would happen, but it would be ideal if they could)

      14 years ago at 6:17 pm
    3. Boston BroSox

      The whole point is picking somebody who has a chance. Paul has less of a chance then perry.

      14 years ago at 1:58 am
  6. I Piss Excellence

    Perry is a joke. We don’t need a preacher in the White House, we need a level-headed leader.

    14 years ago at 4:05 pm
    1. I Piss Excellence

      To clarify further: As a staunch supporter of small government, I do not want my leaders legislating religion or their own personal morality into my country’s laws, nor do I want my leaders even trying to do so…something the likes of Perry and Bachmann certainly will. That’s the first step down the road to being a theocracy like fucking Middle Eastern countries. I don’t need to the government guiding me down the path to Jesus, I can do that myself by going to to my church.

      14 years ago at 4:09 pm
  7. scbro91

    Rick Perry would be the worst thing to happen since the presidency since George W. Bush.

    14 years ago at 4:20 pm
    1. Merlyn

      George W. gets a lot of rap from his presidency but what most all people dont get is that the economy didn’t go to shit until the democrats took over the house and the senate during his second term. I know ill get a lot of shit for this but Bush did do a great job, and he also had one of the most difficult presidency since FDR.

      14 years ago at 4:31 pm
    2. scbro91

      >>he also had one of the most difficult presidency since FDR.

      Please tell me you are joking.

      Also, Merlyn, if you knew anything the economy going to shit can be traced back to two things, one is President Clinton signing a deregulation bill on the banking industry, the second is Reagan paving the way for deregulation of the industry.

      I do not know what fantasy world you live in, but Bush will be rated as a terrible president.

      14 years ago at 7:25 pm
    3. Palmetto Tree

      If you are truly against wasteful government spending and fascist government you would not dare to have W. in your top 10 pres

      14 years ago at 6:16 am
    4. Palmetto Tree

      If you are truly against wasteful government spending and fascist government you would not dare to have W. in your top 10 presidents. Most the people on this site are just base Republicans that don’t hold their own views.

      14 years ago at 6:19 am
  8. From Frats to Riches

    Had to be someone from outside of Texas to like Perry. As a proud Texas citizen I feel it is my duty to inform everybody that Rick Perry is awful.

    14 years ago at 11:37 pm